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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 19:08
Anyone try half day fasting? Eat 300 cals at breakfast, 300 cals at dinner, then a snack before bed? Or 300 cals at breakfast than a big dinner if you're not feeling it?

I'm having trouble sleeping while fasting. I tried drinking broth but there are days where I just have to eat something to fall asleep.

I've been trying these half days for 2 days a week and have been maintaining weight. Obviously I need to do 3 or 4 days per week if I want to lose weight. The 5:2 was working well, but it's no good if I can't sleep :dazed:

Edit: I meant you don't count calories for your midnight snack as it's the end of your 1/2 fast. Or for a full dinner I suppose it would be like a 1/3 fast.
Re: Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 19:11
I eat about 100-150 high protein calories for breakfast and then 350 calories or so for dinner and for the most part that works for me. Many people save all their calories for dinner.

I'm not sure what to tell you about sleeping. I do think some people save a few calories to have right before bed.
Re: Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 19:18
I sometimes have a low cal hot choc before bed. But the only thing that troubles me
At bedtime is my growling stomach. So I have to lay on my side to stop it. Maybe save most cals till Eve to fill up before sleepy time.
Re: Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 19:38
carieoates wrote: I sometimes have a low cal hot choc before bed. But the only thing that troubles me
At bedtime is my growling stomach. So I have to lay on my side to stop it. Maybe save most cals till Eve to fill up before sleepy time.

That's a good idea but I find it crazy trying to split 600 (or even my 700) calories into more than 2 meals.
Re: Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 20:02
Have you tried skipping breakfast? That way, your first food will be dinner, you'll get a full 24 hours of no food which will maximise fasting benefits, and you'll have plenty of calories to work with.

Another option would be a daily eating window - pop into the Windows Eating Thread, and I'm sure the friendly folk there will tell you about the different options.
Re: Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 22:30
KataMac wrote: Have you tried skipping breakfast? That way, your first food will be dinner, you'll get a full 24 hours of no food which will maximise fasting benefits, and you'll have plenty of calories to work with.

Another option would be a daily eating window - pop into the Windows Eating Thread, and I'm sure the friendly folk there will tell you about the different options.

I have a hard enough time with a 300 cal breakfast, I wouldn't be able to make it without it.
Re: Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 22:50
Hi Endershadow, you didn't say if you had tried to skip breakfast, you might be surprised. I started eating breakfast but after two weeks decided to eat nothing until dinner. I actually find that much easier as I don't wake up the hunger monster. (And I looooove breakfast :grin: ). Then as KataMac said you can have a very decent meal at night - I also manage to squeeze in some berries and yoghurt. Doing this has stopped my sleep problems as I'm not starving at bed time. :smile:
Re: Half day fasting?
14 Apr 2014, 23:52
Wineoclock wrote: Hi Endershadow, you didn't say if you had tried to skip breakfast, you might be surprised. I started eating breakfast but after two weeks decided to eat nothing until dinner. I actually find that much easier as I don't wake up the hunger monster. (And I looooove breakfast :grin: ). Then as KataMac said you can have a very decent meal at night - I also manage to squeeze in some berries and yoghurt. Doing this has stopped my sleep problems as I'm not starving at bed time. :smile:

Ok...I'll try skipping breakfast. Thanks everyone.

Hunger monster, hah
Re: Half day fasting?
15 Apr 2014, 00:52
This is why I don't eat until diner on fast days. I cannot sleep without food in my belly. I will stay awake all night long. It's far easier for me to just not eat until dinner.

With two fast days a week, I'm basically looking at 2 or 3 difficult hours twice a week (right before dinner). The rest of it is pretty easy.
Re: Half day fasting?
15 Apr 2014, 01:02
I'm in the no breakfast club too. If I wait until dinner, 500 cals is enough that I'm not hungry until sometime the next day. Trying to eat twice a day just turned on my appetite & I blew my fast every time. When I switched to once, it was kind of magical. Also, when I'm prepping dinner & in the evening, I find sugar free dessert flavored gum is my other salvation. Peach cobbler is my current favorite :)
Re: Half day fasting?
15 Apr 2014, 01:22
I eat breakfast, but less than 100 cals (a soft boiled egg).

It really depends if you are in it for the weight loss or the other benefits of fasting. Even for weight loss, studies are showing that compliance is better if most of the calories are in one meal.
Re: Half day fasting?
15 Apr 2014, 01:22
Good luck and let us know how you go.
Also I apologise to whoever on here I stole the term hunger monster from - good description though.
Re: Half day fasting?
15 Apr 2014, 09:59
When I"m not fasting I LOVE breakfast, it's my favourite meal of the day. But on a fast day, I find it easiest if I don't eat at all. (Don't wake the Hunger Monster.) So I drink water and tea, but that's it. It took me a few months to realise that even eating dinner (within my calorie allowance) makes me more, not less, hungry.
Re: Half day fasting?
24 Apr 2014, 14:25
@KataMac, Wow, that could've been me, writing it. I love breakfast but as soon as I eat (breakfast, lunch or dinner) I just keep eating.

Unfortunately I don't want to skip dinner, because I'm afraid that will give my children the wrong impression. They aren't great eaters, so I don't want to make that worse by not eating with them :wink:.

Oh well, I always start my fastdays in the evenings, so if I fall prey to after dinner eating, at least I had a 20 - 23 h fast. Hopefully I can restrain myself after dinner tonight :wink:
Re: Half day fasting?
24 Apr 2014, 14:30
I' m like@katamac..having my 500 cal dinner makes me hungry when i go to bed..but i have it anyway coz i can't quite cope yet with waiting til next day to eat..i deffo wont have brekky tho i love it,or lunch..coz that dratted Hunger Monster rears his head and wants me to eat all day!
Hope you get sorted out,it takes time to find what works best for you x good luck x
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