I've made so many changes in the last 11months the biggest being lowering my carb intake this happened quite naturally by dropping the bread from my lunchtime sandwich and putting everything on a plate thus saving calories and carbs also waking up the mornings after my fasts not hungry so I skipped breakfast to save calories result = 16:8 most days.
I've never counted my carbs now or before but I've definitely halved my intake all quite naturally then I started to reap the rewards health issue wise my oedema has improved so much you wouldn't believe the difference and whereas some would say the weightloss has made this result I now know its carb related deffo because on a recent "refeed" trial I bought all my bad carbs back into my
4 days = result feeling absolutely awful and couldn't get into my new boots Santa had bought me never again!!!
Yes its personal to each of us and we all have our own choices and reasons for our decisions my results are my reasons and this will always be the biggest motivational factor for me this WOL has worked wonders for me and I couldn't be happier.
But sugar is a big problem I just wish I could kick I've tried @TML13 stevia which I use as sweetener for certain dishes but in drinks no way not yet haven't given up on stevia reduced the real stuff slightly but would love to kick out.
@callyanna hope you've managed to put a few pounds on what a dilemma for you, and thanks to you + Debs for you kind words in the scenic tent yes I'm a Big rubber ball never giving up always bouncing back. I realised I'm making some of my changes a little prematurely ie:: the good fats Nuts!! love all varieties but far to many calories for me for now as I'm only halfway through my journey these changes will have to wait.
I've never counted my carbs now or before but I've definitely halved my intake all quite naturally then I started to reap the rewards health issue wise my oedema has improved so much you wouldn't believe the difference and whereas some would say the weightloss has made this result I now know its carb related deffo because on a recent "refeed" trial I bought all my bad carbs back into my
4 days = result feeling absolutely awful and couldn't get into my new boots Santa had bought me never again!!!
Yes its personal to each of us and we all have our own choices and reasons for our decisions my results are my reasons and this will always be the biggest motivational factor for me this WOL has worked wonders for me and I couldn't be happier.
But sugar is a big problem I just wish I could kick I've tried @TML13 stevia which I use as sweetener for certain dishes but in drinks no way not yet haven't given up on stevia reduced the real stuff slightly but would love to kick out.
@callyanna hope you've managed to put a few pounds on what a dilemma for you, and thanks to you + Debs for you kind words in the scenic tent yes I'm a Big rubber ball never giving up always bouncing back. I realised I'm making some of my changes a little prematurely ie:: the good fats Nuts!! love all varieties but far to many calories for me for now as I'm only halfway through my journey these changes will have to wait.