I started reading Mark's Daily Apple (for the low carb stuff, I haven't gone "primal") and had a look for info lowcarber.org's forum. The weird thing is that if you stick to really low carb (and low sugar) and eat lots of fat, calorie counting doesn't seem to come into it - to a degree, of course! Now I know I run and have 4 horses that keep me active, but my housekeeping job is only 10 hours a week so although I'm on my feet and busy three mornings a week, that still gives me a lot of time when I'm sat here reading and contributing to this forum, I only class myself as lightly active so my TDEE is 1761 according to MM's calculator. But I was regularly eating 2500+ calories and not gaining. Weird, huh? To be honest, it kind of messed with my head because I've spent SO many years "knowing" that low calorie is the way to lose weight!
What you have to find the balance of is the carb intake that is right for your own body. I know some people go VERY low, like 20g or less (ie, the Atkins first two weeks!) but if you read on the low carbers forum, I think the average is around 40g to 50g net carbs. I can get away with a little more because of my running (and I forget now what my balance was because that was before Christmas, so aaaaages ago!)
This is an "average" chart.... but useful viewing....
http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/th ... z2kwmupjR1As with everything, it is really a case of jumping in and fine-tuning it to your own body's reactions and requirements.....
What I WILL say is that I tried this when I was having something of a Famine Reaction and eating the extra fat really helped to give me a boost and stop me feeling so hungry all the time.
At the moment, I'm back to my old familiar of low-ish carb, low-cal and calorie counting to get the remains of my "festive layer" off, but I wouldn't hesitate to try upping the fat and lowering the carbs again should I need to.... it means I can make fat bombs again and they are LUSH!!!!