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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Re: Lower carb confusion
02 Jul 2014, 11:14
Last time I checked my blood sugar @Peebles, it tended on the low side (can't remember the numbers, but the nurse was worried it was too low lol)
I think I'll just carry on for a little while, and then bring in low carb when I plateau (as I invariably will in a month or two!)
I realise I have an awful lot going on right now, and have until mid-end September. I am therefore going to give myself a break and stop trying to be too controlling of my diet (in place of having little control of anything else right now :frown: )
My intention when I started this weightloss journey, was to get from 20+clothes being tight down to a 16. I am now a 12-14 (14 to get round my bust in some brands)
I am no longer fat!
I have a saggy belly, but have had 3 children - 1 by c-section, an external hysterectomy (last 2 things have left me with a gap in the muscle :confused: )
My blood pressure is low and I'm regularly told how well I'm looking.
I will continue to lose this stone I've gained, but I am not going to rush it or get upset if it's a bumpy line whilst I learn a sustainable way of eating! (If anyone sees me stressing over any of this in the next two months, have my permission to give me a stern telling off!)
xxx :heart: xxx
Re: Lower carb confusion
02 Jul 2014, 19:33

You've made such excellent progress! You should be very proud of yourself.

For the record, sometimes low blood sugars are a reaction to previous highs. This often happens in people who are insulin resistant. But whatever the cause, those lows can make you very hungry indeed. And paradoxically, lowering blood sugar by cutting back on carbs can prevent those lows and keep blood sugars comfortably flat.
Re: Lower carb confusion
04 Jul 2014, 11:23
I am starting again as I got in a right tizz last week.
This week (and probably next week) I am cutting out white bread and crisps and that is all.
I'm hoping taking off the pressure will help me to get it all right in my head and stop the gorging on carbs! :clover:
Re: Lower carb confusion
04 Jul 2014, 16:34
Incrementally every little step helps. When I started 5:2, I stopped drinking pop. Haven't had one in over a year now and don't miss it at all. Once you see how certain foods affect your efforts, it is easy to discard some completely and to appreciate others occasionally.
Re: Lower carb confusion
04 Jul 2014, 17:31
I've lost 3lb this week was at 12.9 last weekend , this morning 12.6. I usually 16.8 on a Friday as not at work and I like my weekend to start early. But by keeping to 16.8' and low carb I have shown that I can lose those pounds. I think that I may go over my cals a bit on on fast days but with the amount of exercise I'm doing I often need some more fat to keep my engine fully stoked.
Re: Lower carb confusion
04 Jul 2014, 18:27
carieoates wrote: I've lost 3lb this week was at 12.9 last weekend, this morning 12.6. I usually 16.8 on a Friday ... that I can lose those pounds.

I'm imagining how newbies have translated those number-system flip-flops to a rational conclusion.
Re: Lower carb confusion
05 Jul 2014, 07:44
ADFnFuel wrote:
carieoates wrote: I've lost 3lb this week was at 12.9 last weekend, this morning 12.6. I usually 16.8 on a Friday ... that I can lose those pounds.

I'm imagining how newbies have translated those number-system flip-flops to a rational conclusion.

Ooooh yes I love a flip-flop, keeps it interesting. Mmmm
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