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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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what to eat on fast&non fast
24 Feb 2013, 16:31
Just wondered what people are eating on fast days compared to non fast days. (Secretly just want to know how much chocolate i can really eat) :mrgreen:
Having just scoffed some chocolate (probably about 6 x squares of white and a couple of milk), I can't help but reply and say it's ok to eat treats, just not all the time.

I'm also going to eat some apple pie later as we had visitors and there's lots of food about but a lot of it is salmon and salad!

I think it's balance, eat in moderation...
Had a sneaky choc myself today...but just one..well it is Sunday ans I fast on Monday!!!!.....On feed days I try to eat 'normally'....god that sounds funny ...what is normal?...bowl of porridge or one wheatabix with semi skimmed milk for breakfast...homemade soup and a sarnie for lunch and dinner usually chicken breast fillet or salmon with loads of veg ....on a fast day lunch is soup and dinner at night is a large salad with a slice of ham (most ham is about 22kcal per slice so I find that good Weigh in tomorrow and so far on track to have lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks ...which is really good for me because I had started a 'diet' at the begining of Feb and had already lost 5 lbs before I switched to 5:2.. so wasnt expecting any great numbers!! Im well pleased!!
I'm trying to introduce more fruit and veg into my diet but yes I've had chocolate too, though I find that I'm not nearly so bothered about it after a few weeks on this programme.
As BBT03 said, moderation, something I have found so hard in the past but so far so good :)
Hi all, I am having a feed day today, had guests to feed so ate with them, then l went to my daughters who is celebrating her birthday with a lovely meal and b/day cake, couldn't tell you how many calories were in any of it! Do want to loose weight so tomorrow I fast(500 cals), hope this works! Usually better behaved than that but hey we do have lives to live! Don't want this to turn into one of those chemically balanced hi tech constant counting fangled diets! I believe it's meant to be more relaxed than all of that, isn't it?
I think you do have to eat a lot sometimes!
I find that some days I can't stop picking at food (yesterday), and days when I'm not really bothered or hungry (today). Roll on tomorrow because I'll know what's what, I'm fasting.. :)
BBT053 and boat, thanks, for your replies, just new to this only started last week so probably just anxious, however as I say the main attraction to this 'diet' for me was the more relaxed approach to keeping a sustainable diet going, I've got a fast day tomorrow and not quite looking forward to it ! Thanks for your support! Also can anyone tell me what this TTDE (if that's right?), stuff is please.
TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure

It's the amount of calories you use on a daily basis to maintain a stable weight.

There are links to calculators in the FAQs.
I'm ashamed to admit what i eat on nf days.....but let's just say I made mars bar rice crispy cake today...7 mars bars and 2 family size bars of dairy butter etc....tookmitmto a party.....but did partake of quote a few squares.......weigh day tomorrow...oops x
Morvmum wrote: I'm ashamed to admit what i eat on nf days.....but let's just say I made mars bar rice crispy cake today...7 mars bars and 2 family size bars of dairy butter etc....tookmitmto a party.....but did partake of quote a few squares.......weigh day tomorrow...oops x

one hell of a chocolate cake... :shock:
Sounds yummy!
Fast days are easier (other than being a bit hungry) than feed days. Generally I can now eat too much and feel a bit rubbish on feed days but I'm getting there.
It is very yummy......and sickening,....thank goodness it's a fast day tomorrow x
Hi there. I have just joined this forum as I feel in need of support. Have been following the 5:2 for about a month and I haven't lost any weight! (and I do need to). Well I would say I lost a couple of pounds the 1st week but that has gone back on. Am sticking to my 500 cals on fast days as well as going to the gym. Think I must be binging on too much chocolate on my non fast days. Have been excited about being able to eat what I want on those days. Guess you can't really do that. Any tips would be much appreciated.
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