The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Yep, have a read round on the forum as this is very common and also a subject of MUCH debate.

JaneB wrote: Hi there. I have just joined this forum as I feel in need of support. Have been following the 5:2 for about a month and I haven't lost any weight! (and I do need to). Well I would say I lost a couple of pounds the 1st week but that has gone back on. Am sticking to my 500 cals on fast days as well as going to the gym. Think I must be binging on too much chocolate on my non fast days. Have been excited about being able to eat what I want on those days. Guess you can't really do that. Any tips would be much appreciated.

Hi JaneB! You might want to make this a separate post so it doesn't get lost in this thread.

There are so many factors involved, and everyone is different. Dr. Varaday seems to feel, based on her studies, it doesn't really matter what people eat on their feed days, and I have been taking that at face value, visiting the local patisserie every week ;-)

There are a ton of great resources on this forum and hopefully if you make a new post people with good ideas will notice it. :-)
Thanks Jemima! I am looking forward to fasting tomorrow, I am beginning to think of it as a cleansing process!
Hope MORNMUM enjoyed today and has a good result tomorrow!
Glad I'm not the only one! Family birthdays today so big lunch with chocolate birthday cake and lots of wine as well!! I try to be good for 3 work days, fast for 2 days and let myself have pretty much what I want at the weekend, though today was exceptional!
Hi Jane B
Big hug...we are all here to support each deep breathe...tomorrow starts a new week!!!!
I think it would be unrealistic to think we can eat everything we want and as much of it as we want and have the slate wiped clean by 2 days at 500kcal???
The joy of this (for me anyway) is that there is no banded guilt....but a change in mind set and attitude ? For 2 days per week the kcal count is 500 or less....the rest of the week eat 'normally' Try not to binge or go crazy....if you fancy a biscuit fine
The closer you can stay to your correct calorie intake on your feed days the faster the scales will tip in your favour
I dont think fasting and then binging would be a healthy long term plan??
Hi all, thanks for the reassuring replies, it is a balance of exactly that Virginia! If its not then you will be calorie counting all week (too stressful), I still can't find out how to learn about my TDEE, it's difficult to find in the FAQs section. Can anyone help me with this please?
Fasting today for the second time since starting last Thursday.
Best wishes to you all.X
I have just googled TDEE, which provided lots of calculator sites. Good luck.
Links to TDEE calculators are provided in the FAQ (link to FAQ) in my signature!
Thank you!
Thanks guys
True, binging is not the best thing to do long term! I found it so easy the 1st week. Think a combination of being unwell and time of the month has been making it harder. Waiting for the stage where I do not feel the urge to binge....Hopefully that will happen soon! Really struggling with my fast today but I do feel really tired, which is when I crave bad things!!
Hi JaneB, I'm fasting today too, just started to feel hungry now!! Not going to let it beat me though! Thinking that tomorrow will soon be here and we will be able to have a normal day.
Hopefully once this awful cold weather stops we won't be wanting comfort foods!
Today was a non fast day (I usually fast on Monday but had friends coming for beading & tea) so I was out of routine & couldn't eat my usual lunch of homemade soup. I make sweet potato & bean soup with curry powder & fresh ginger in it but didn't today because I didn't want the house smelling of curry. So I didn't know what eat but there were two hot cross buns :roll: & cream cakes for tea :oops:
I am planning a more sensible supper of lamb chops vegetables. But what about the left over cream cakes? They are small ones :shock:
Not my usual day of eating but hooray tomorrow is a fast day my body will be so pleased :D
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