The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

26 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:18
You're already quite a healthy weight, with a BMI of just over 19 which most of us can only dream of at this point! Weight certainly won't come off in a hurry when you're near the lower end of the healthy weight range and don't have much to lose at all.

I'd suggest giving it a few more weeks and seeing if the scales start to go down, but if not 5:2 may not be the way for you due to your medical situation. That said, another form of IF like ADF might help you to maintain weight (perhaps with a slow loss).

What I wouldn't give to be your size. I'm 5'4" and the smallest I've ever been was 8 stone 13lbs - and that was only a brief dip below the usual 9+ stone.
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:22
I do a full 24hr fast then 24hr feast and so on but not weekends sat- sun x :)
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:30
Wouldn't mind so much but my clothes are getting way too tight and I really can't afford a whole new wardrobe x When you have been used to a certain weight for so long it feels unnatural to have the extra pounds. Its very easy to look at others and except them and love them for all that they are but when we look within it can be very different. Xxx
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:32
When you say full 24 hour fast, do you mean you go 24 hours with 0 calories, or 24 hours with 500 calories?

Most of us here fast in the same way that Dr M did in the documentary which is more like 36 hours of only 500 cals (sleep, wake up & have a day of 500 cals, sleep, wake up & eat normally).
The 24 hour version as suggested in the book may well have some health benefits but little weight loss as the calorie deficit is minimal due to eating either side of those 24 hours (eg in a 2pm-2pm fast with 500 cals, you'd still be having breakfast and lunch before it as well as possibly a late lunch and dinner afterwards).

You may find it works better if you consume 0 cals from after dinner the night before until dinner on your fast day (around 24 hours), then have a single 500ish calorie meal, fasting again until breakfast the next day.
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:33

I'm in a similar position to you as my fasting allowance is around 400 and I'm finding that you have to be very precise with that amount. AND THEN I find that I have to be equally careful on the other days not to go over 1600 cals approx. I've lost 2lbs in Feb and I'm hoping that I haven't put any on in the morning when I weigh myself.

I've resigned myself to losing half a pound a week. As I'm older and only 5ft 2ins I don't think I'm going to lose a massive amount every week.

Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:37
Wow I've been doing it wrong as was just doing 24hrs with 500cals then eating normal the next day!! Will do the 36hrs now. Thank you your a star xx :D
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:40
Try 2 days to start with. Doing heavy work as you do.
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:48
Think thats going to be me too sharron and like you I think I need to except that the weightloss will be slow. Might change now though as im giving the 36 hour fast a go. I will reduce my weight even if it is slow and I will get my blood pressure down. Good luck sharron and thanks for support from all that posted tonight xxx :D
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:49
Ok will do the 2 days to start with xxx
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
25 Feb 2013, 00:17
Oh I wouldn't do two days to start - I think that was meant as a joke!

I just had a nice dinner with lots of veg. I probably won't eat again until 6pm tomorrow, when I'll have a dinner of about 450 to 500 calories. Then I'll eat again on Tuesday morning, just eating normally.

Good luck!!
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
25 Feb 2013, 09:56
No, I meant do 5:2 not 2:5 or 4:3 as the OP has a heavy job and wants a large % of her body weight as a loss. Be more gentle, not the other way around with a 2-day fast.
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