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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 20:40
2:5 instead of 5:2 is it safe? :?:
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 20:50
No, I would definitely not advise it. 4:3 (the fast days) or ADF is possible. Fasting more than 2 days in a row is likely to cause health problems rather than health improvement and should not be undertaken without getting a health check and an all clear from your doctor. I would not even advise ADF as a long term approach.

Why are you asking? Perhaps we can help with an alternative approach for what you want?
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 20:55
Less food isn't necessarily more weight loss. You probably wouldn't lose much faster and probably end up under-fed at best, starved at worst.
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 20:56
Just that I can't seem to lose any weight. My weight is actually going up and up. Im only having 500 on mon, wed and fri then no more than 2000 inbetween. Some days I only have 1500. Am I consuming too many calories? :?
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 21:02
kaz - have you worked out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure)? There are links to calculators on the FAQs.

This will give you the number of calories you need to maintain your weight according to your age, weight and exercise level. You should then eat somewhere near this figure on your non-fast days, and 25% of that figure on your fast days.
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 21:07
Sounds odd. Can you give us some more information please?

For example: How long have you been doing 4:3. Are you counting calories precisely on feed days or estimating (are you including drinks in your calculations)? What kinds of foods are you eating. What is your TDEE? Are you doing any exercise? What is your height, age and current weight? Have you been dieting before this? Have you any medical reasons why weight loss would be slow? Are you on medications? Any symptoms apart from weight gain?

Have you read the threads on weight gain in the frequently asked questions board?
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 21:27
Looks like I should be having less than 500 :( 380 instead.....I think but can't find the bit that calculate's it. Did find it the other day and to be honest I was shocked as to how many calories I could have. I'm a bit slow on this site lol. I've been on it for 3wks but the first week I was doing the 5:2 with no results so thats why im now on the 4:3. My blood pressure has been very high even though ive been on medication for 15yrs. Got doctors on Friday for pressure check....fingers crossed as dont want to be taking anymore tablets. I am hoping that this plan works for blood pressure alone but I must say im gutted that ive put on weight
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 21:33
How have you been doing your fasts - a full day and 2 sleeps or just a 24 hour period?

Any more info you can provide will help us to troubleshoot, for example your age (could 'the change' be responsible? or perhaps your monthly cycle?). Were you gaining weight before you started 5:2 or were you dieting? How do you split your fasting calories & what sort of things do you eat? How often are you weighing and are you doing so at the same time of day when you do?
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 21:34
Link to TDEE calculators in faq (link in my signature above or below!)
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 21:48
Im approaching the big 40. I had a full hysterectomy at 34 so no cycle for me. Yes was on a 1200 cal diet before I started this one. I tend to be healthy in what I eat ie: wholemeal bread, veg, fruit, fish and chicken. I no longer have a tipple when I get home from work late at night , its been 3 wks since my last vodka but only ever had one glass. I weigh myself every 2 to 3 days. Im a post person and im lifting heavy bags for 3 hours a night. As for exercise I try and do half an hour mon to fri (stretch bands) should I be doing more? Xx :(
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 22:04
The previous 1200 cal diet and the hysterectomy are likely to slow down weight loss, sadly.

If you can tell us your TDEE we can work out how to get your weight moving. Also your height, current weight and target weight please.

Some high intensity interval training to replace some of your slower exercise may help rather than doing more exercise overall.
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:05
I would strongly suggest you weigh less often, or at least if you feel you must weigh every few days, don't count it as your 'official' weight on anything but one day of the week. Choose a day & time (mornings produce the nicest numbers, especially after you've been to the loo!) and stick with it for your weigh ins. Your weight can vary drastically throughout the week, enough even to mask a change in your weight overall. However, with weekly (or fortnightly/monthly) figures taken around the same time of day you should see the numbers decreasing :)

You might find this interesting:
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:09
Im 5ft 6in and my current weight is 8st 8lbs. Ive been used to being 8st so the extra weight has just turned to fat. Since my hysterectomy ive put on the 8lbs! Really need weight to go down rather than up xx 8 :(
Re: 2:5 instead of 5:2
24 Feb 2013, 23:12
Ooh ps my TDEE is 2010 so that makes it 502.5 must have done it wrong the first time xx
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