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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 19:12
Hello, I'm new to all of this & am wondering if a small glass of wine is allowed on a fasting day, if the calories are counted as part of the allowance - a stressful day, with little food would be made slightly better by a small glass of wine!!

Thank you for your considered responses

Re: Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 19:25
Hi Annie, welcome to the forums.

I will have to bump your question onto another member, but my opinion would be, a little of what you fancy does you good and I dont think 'allowed' or 'not allowed' should come into it.
Re: Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 20:06
Hi Annie

I think as long as you include all calories eaten and drunk you are technically correct.

Personally I would not have any alcohol on a fast day, it's too big a lump out of the allowance. I think good nutrition is important on fast days as I'm under eating by a lot on this day and I like to eat and drink normally the rest of the week.
Re: Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 20:38
I've often wondered if I would dare to have a bottle of wine instead of food on a fasting day. After all, it's only 500kcals for the whole bottle!

Re: Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 20:40
Jemima wrote: I've often wondered if I would dare to have a bottle of wine instead of food on a fasting day. After all, it's only 500kcals for the whole bottle!


LOL glad I'm not alone in that the ;)

28 Feb 2013, 20:46
Hey you guys! It's wine on a feed day ONLY! Feel guilty and worry about it... :-)

OK, I'll admit that my favourite cheat is 1 unit of whiskey and soda on a fast day. Check the cals, 1 unit of all 40% proof spirits is around 55 cals or thereabouts. ;-) It takes away the craving...
Re: Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 20:49
LOL, as long as it fits within your 500 calorie (or whatever your allowance is on a fast day) then go for it! I don't drink alcohol on a fast day but I always save 100 cals or so for a little chocolate in the evening with a cup of tea. A glass of wine sounds much more interesting, though. As long as you have the willpower to stop at one glass/bottle to remain within your calorie allowance ;)
Re: Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 20:56
"As long as you have the willpower to stop at one glass/bottle to remain within your calorie allowance"

Hey, I've got the will power to stop at just 1 bottle, but can't resist the brie on crackers and chocolate that has to round it all off ;-)
Re: Wine on a fasting day
28 Feb 2013, 21:31
LastChance wrote: Hey, I've got the will power to stop at just 1 bottle, but can't resist the brie on crackers and chocolate that has to round it all off ;-)

:lol: That sounds familiar!
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