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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 06:42
I naturally went for Tuesday/Thursday for my fast days, with Monday/Wednesday in my mind as the alternative if nedds be - as I think most people do, wanting to avoid Friday/Saturday/Sunday.

But I was wondering last night, is 1 day between the 2 fasts the required number, or could one do Monday/Thursday for example?
Re: Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 08:25
I normally fast Wednesday and Friday, slightly odd days I know but they work for me. I start my fast after lunch Thursday and break it at dinner time Friday, then I still have yummy things on Saturday. I think you should experiment a little too, try what days are good for you. I picked mine as i am long distance commuter and the days I fast I work from home so there are no distractions or people tempting me around.

I read the book and the guy (sorry forgotten his name) had his fast days Monday and Thursday, that worked well for him. =)
Re: Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 08:31
Hi Annie

If you look at the poll on what days do you fast you'll see most people are doing Mon and Thurs by a big margin. I'm in the smaller group doing Tues and Fri. Some people do have only 1 day between fasts (of course the ADF folks do this and most 4:3ers) and some do consecutive days (but that is hard). I prefer having 2 or 3 days between fats as I think the appetite reduction lasts only 2-3 days. I did haven day between fasts a couple of tones due to social commitments and found my appetite definitely creeping up over the next 4 days.
Re: Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 08:38
Hi Annie,
I normally fast Monday & Thursday, if I happen to be doing something on one of these days just swap to another day & that works well for me. Think as long as you fast 2 day that's fine, experiment to find what suits you best.
Re: Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 12:02
Thanks guys, think I may try monday/thursday next week, the problem with only one day inbetween is that the second fast is hard on the heels of the first one & then there's quite a big gap!

By the way (or BTW, LOL!) what is ADF? I've got French google & it's telling me "Association dentaire française" - something tells me we'renot talking about the same thing here LOL
Re: Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 12:29
Alternate day fasting! But I think the French one is tres interesting too!
Re: Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 12:33
HaHa! Rigolo ;)
Re: Spacing between fasts
08 Mar 2013, 12:35
Abbreviations etc explained in the Forum Wiki at the top of any board!
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