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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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nicotine chewing gum
11 Mar 2013, 16:52
Any one else doing fast days and using nicotine gum? I find it easier to go without food all day than giving up my chewing gum. ! I don't think the gum contains much in the way of calories but I'm not sure what kind of impact the sweeteners have on fasting - looking at the ingredients the main sweetener is something called sorbitol, also saccharin and xyletol, (sounds nasty I know, but can't give them up yet!) :frown: :frown: Have fasted today and looking hopefully to a weightloss when I weigh myself tomorrow...
Re: nicotine chewing gum
17 Mar 2013, 08:22
Hi dhana,

Excessive use of sorbitol can have a laxative effect. Saccharin...well...they've been arguing the carcinogenic effects for thirty years and xyletol...that one I don't know...
Bottom line is...better than smoking. HOWEVER, I was hooked on Nicorette gum for nearly two years! So please plan at some time to get off the stuff WITHOUT going back to the bungers!
But now is probably not the time. Good luck!
Re: nicotine chewing gum
17 Mar 2013, 09:28
Ican't get off the gum either but better than smoking doesn't seem to have affected weight loss
Re: nicotine chewing gum
17 Mar 2013, 13:15
Yes don't go mad on sorbitol! DS bought a packet of sugar free polos once. I told him not to eat the whole packet because of the laxative effect. He didn't believe me...spent the whole evening in the toilet!! Lesson learned!
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