The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Morning all,

I just weighed myself this a.m as the progress tracker told me I hadn't entered any info for a week. I've lost half a pound but had a fast day yesterday.

Is this a big cheat?!

I just wanted to see some results... :oops:
I weigh every Thursday so it alternates whether it's after a fast day. I make a note in the entry to say which day it was previously & expect a wave not a straight line in the graph.
Not cheating...I find sometimes my weight is lower the morning after the first feed day so after a fast day is not necessarily your lowest.
No, not cheating. Just be consistent and weigh yourself the same day each week. If you go back to weighing after a feast day you might be disappointed!
Not cheating - don't be hard on yourself. :smile:
But being consistent is key and if it works for you stick with it.
I changed from weighing on the day after fast day to weighing on Sunday morning and I was disappointed because I'd been lighter the day after fasting. But I think I was weighing myself too often, which apparently is not helpful. My weight is still going down, although more slowly than at first which is only to be expected... and I have a way to go.
Thanks everyone. Yes, I will set a weigh day, maybe two days after a fast day. :)
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