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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Gorging on Feast Days
15 Mar 2013, 16:12
Does anyone feel the need to gorge on feast days to 'store up' in preparation of a fast day?

I know what I'm like and as my first fast day was yesterday I just know that wine bottle and take away are gonna start winking at me at around half 8 when I get back from my swim.

This diet has completely changed the way I think about food. I realised that it was an age since I could honestly say I had let myself feel hungry - UNTIL YESTERDAY! And it wasn't that bad! What was I afraid of?

Today I've eaten quite a bit so far now and it kind of feels like if I wanted to I could just keep troughing! I don't want to thank goodness...

I'm hoping that I don't eat as much as I used to before this diet on any day, please tell me that happens???
Re: Gorging on Feast Days
15 Mar 2013, 18:47
Hi little bird

Some people go through a bingeing phase...I think those who have had years of being restricted go a bit mad when there are no forbidden foods. Happily that calms down and soon you'll find yourself saying no to food if you're not hungry or, if its something particularly tempting only needing a small portion, and not feeling left out if others have seconds/bigger portions! This means it is fairly easy to keep to a calorie intake appropriate to your needs on feed days.

The only other time excessive eating occurs on feed days is when people lose so much weight that their bodies say no to more loss. They suddenly feel hungry on feed days when they hadn't before. I'm not sure yet whether that passes with time as we haven't got enough people getting to such low weights yet - maybe in a few months ;-)

Good luck with your 5:2 journey!
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