The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Considered to be a healthy choice and typically low calorie food - just wondering if anyone has any views on whether couscous is good or not for fast days ?
Any views ?
In terms of caloric content, it appears to be on par with pasta and a lot richer than plain white rice.
dry couscous
dry uncooked pasta
cooked plain white rice
Many of the scientifically-minded people on this forum will have a view to offer on this but, speaking personally, I try not to get too hung up on the science of what I should and shouldn't be eating on fast days, or non-fasting days for that matter!

In my only meal on a fasting day, I make sure that I include lots of vegetables, some carbohydrates (otherwise I become hungry later in the evening - we eat at about 7pm and are never in bed before midnight) and a small amount of protein - fish, meat cheese, eggs etc. For carbohydrates I tend to use wholegrain rice, couscous, whole-wheat pasta or boiled new potatoes in their skins, because they looks more on the plate!

My main objective, at the moment, is to lose some weight so the science is less important to me than the calorie totals! Later on, I may be more focused on the health benefits and then I will look into the science a little more thoroughly.

Hope this helps! Good luck with the 5:2 WOE (Way Of Eating)!
I quite often enjoy a good helping of couscous on a fast day, with ratatouille or homemade chilli. I find I can have what seems to be a more filling portion of that for the same or less calories than rice or pasta. I also don't have a clue about the science of it or what about it might be good or bad, but then I've also not cut out carbs from my fasts etc and still lost weight. It's important to me for this to be something I can keep up, so I don't deny myself any particular foods on fast days as such, I just choose not to eat stuff like chocolate as it won't fill me up. But that's not to say I never spend any fast day cals on a small treat!
I love couscous but personally wouldn't eat loads of it on a fast day as I tend to steer clear of carbs in general - as they make me more hungry! I go for protein rich foods as they keep you fuller for longer - boiled/ scrambled eggs are my best friend on fast days :). There's nothing to stop you eating couscous if you want though. This diet is all about personal preference and flexibility.
Cous cous is just very small pasta so not sure it had any particular health benefits. For me, carbs make me hungrier rather than filling me up,so I'd avoid on a fast day. Its up to you to decide what works best for you though so don't necessarily be swayed by what we say!
I am with Caroline, I avoid carbs, as you get such little bang for your buck. Give me a plate of Courgette and Beetroot any time, rather than Rice or pasta, you just get so much more.

I had allot of chicken breast tonight as part of the Hairy Bikers Korma, and I actually found I enjoyed the extra protein, and is making me feel less hungry now, normally I don't eat any meat or eggs on a Fast day, so I reckon I will try omlette on my next fast day on Sunday and see how I get on with that.

Takes all sorts.

I did use courgette peelings instead of Tagliatelle the other day, that was nice.
Agree - couscous isn't particularly nutritious. You'd probably be better off with 4 or 5 boiled new potatoes for a reasonable portion of couscous.

Quinoa gives you a bit more bang for your buck nutritionally and tastes of more. It's good tossed with some cubes of courgette, pepper, broccoli and your choice of protein.
I "spend" my allowance on fast days on meat and a nice sauce, with some veg, as its my favorite foods, and keeps me feeling full
It's not low calorie, if you're going to have it on a fast day , watch your quantities.
oh ... I always thought couscous to be low calorie and nutritious ! I had it on fast days with steamed veg or salad leaves or a boiled egg! This is an eye opener :) Am going to stick to veg & egg / grilled fish / lean chicken from now .. Thanks !
Nay. I would say with go with some low-fat protein and lots of green veggies, which fill you up and are nutrient rich.

Cous cous is nothing but empty calories and won't give you the same sense of fullness of protein or high fiber veggies
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