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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I love cooking cakes despite they turn right only half of the time and they are not always eaten completely. I find it more difficult to eat them now. I decided to make them only for Sunday lunch but we often feel too full and the kids don't seem interested.

I decided to keep cakes for either events or outings.

I still carry on having jam, honey, chocolate spread, peanut butter...oh lemon curd too. I try to stop buying cereals but my teens won't eat anything if there isn't any, not sure what's the best for that.

I like breakfast with a bit of jam...but what about when I feel low...Nutella is calling me it's annoying. Or Nutella tells me Be part of society and enjoy treats...(it's funny food can talk ;)) If I stop buying them Kids would think where's the fun in the kitchen.


Anyway, I have defo a square of dark choc on my 5 days. I still eat too much sugar, it's just a matter of balance.
I still enjoy sweet things like that too, but I think it's fine as my body will always ask me to balance the less healthy stuff with something more nutritious.

The only things banned from my kitchen now are low fat/diet foods and I try to avoid processed stuff as much as possible... Even if my husband still eats it.
Food with chemicals are banned! No more low fat spread, cheese or yogurts only the real deal. The only fizzy drink I have now is Perrier water. I have seen the light!
As I have mentioned on one of the carbohydrate postings, I think 90% dark chocolate has the perfect blend of ingredients - a tiny amount of sugar, a decent helping of protein and a stack of fat, some of which is saturated. I am tempted to try a fast day with just one bar of Lindt Excellence for sustenance! I keep a supply in the fridge so there is always a small piece available in emergencies. No other sweet stuff appeals any more, even breakfast cereal is an effort most days! And we steer clear of fruit juices...
Look at the ingredients list on Nutella and compare with their advertising of what's in it! Odd that the ads don't mention that vegetable fat and sugar are the main ingredients with a trace of nuts and cocoa!

I'm afraid that cakes are still a big part in our house but with the hens laying 5 eggs a day I'm often looking for ways to use them up!
I'm with a lot of more diet food/processed food for me. I have my Green & Blacks 85% Dark chocolate - no-one else likes it. :grin:

I would like to ban the mountain of cake making ingredients in the cupboard. They are not mine but my 14 year old daughters. When she makes cakes (most weekends) I can't cope with going into the kitchen and more often than not they end up in the bin. She is trying....very trying! :wink:
I have not been tempted by Nutella during this 5:2ing, but out of curiosity I read the ingredient list this morning. AGHHHH..... Just so much sugar, I almost dropped it on the floor like a hot poker!! Straight into the bin, I must have been mad buying such rubbish.
Although I have lost my taste for chocy, and no longer have it in the house, I still drink cocoa, (never hot chocolate mixes), but it is quite bitter. I am experimenting with xylitol for sweetening, but have decided that is soon to be a no-no too, so, what to do? I whizzed up 2 chopped dried figs in a small amount of water, to form a slurry, used half to add to a tsp of cocoa, dollop of ceam, hot water, and whizzed it up well. I defy anyone to taste anything different , and the one little fig, whilst being 5 g of carbohydrate, has 2 g of fantastic fibre. I am a single cream addict too, but that is slowly being replaced with home made almond cream, or, when diluted, as milk on my porridge. Just playing nicely in my kitchen!!!
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