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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Melanie Cheeks wrote: There's all sorts of things you can add to water to make it a bit more interesting - slices of cucumber, a sprig of mint, even a chopped apple and a stick of cinnamon!

I don't normally like fizzy drinks, but I do look forward to a 10 cal can of ginger beer or shandy on a fast day. Just the one, mind.

I have a wide range of herbal teas - there's a lovely licorice and oriental spice one, and I also enjoy a Rooibos Earl Grey.

Options hot chocolates (or similar) are about 40 calories each - I find that half of that is enough for me.

And savoury hot drinks made from Bovril, oxo, marmite, or marigold bouillon will be about 10-15 cals each.

Slice of cucumber? Never heard of that before! haha whats it like?
Lemon and ginger tea also fennel tea - no milk. Since drinking these I have not fancied ordinary tea or coffee at all - for me that is a result! Drink plenty of water as well - often thirst is mistaken for hunger, it really helps to drink plenty and keep those hunger pangs at bay! :)
If you suffer from feeling cold on fast days a nice drink is a spiced tea, a bit like Indian chai, black (or green) tea with cinammon, some cardamom pods and sliced ginger - you can buy this from yogi teas (I think they call it Chai) or make your own. Warming and relaxing. :clover:
I have been making myself drink pure water on fast days as I don't usually have any pure water. I use it like a medicine, I don't dislike it but I have got used to drinking things with taste. I feel that it cleanses my system. By the evening I start to feel bored with water and treat myself to tea with milk and flavoured fizzy water. I love a Asda sparkling raspberry and cherry which is 5 calories for 1/4 of a bottle, I think they are £1.50 for 4.

Can you try to drink one glass of pure water a day, you may find you get used to it?
nikki wrote: I have been making myself drink pure water on fast days as I don't usually have any pure water. I use it like a medicine, I don't dislike it but I have got used to drinking things with taste. I feel that it cleanses my system. By the evening I start to feel bored with water and treat myself to tea with milk and flavoured fizzy water. I love a Asda sparkling raspberry and cherry which is 5 calories for 1/4 of a bottle, I think they are £1.50 for 4.

Can you try to drink one glass of pure water a day, you may find you get used to it?

Tried to get used to it loads of times, its not me I'm afraid
Hi PinkLady! (mmm just thought of pink lady apples!) I normally have water and Yogi Tea all morning, then a cup of black coffee around midday. Afternoons, I love to drink raspberry flavour sparkling water. If I've remembered to shop for it :-)
I drink lots of herbal/fruit teas and glasses of room temperature water. Marigold bouillon in the afternoon is a real lifesave oh and a hot Oxo.
Interesting to read this; drinks are my biggest problem when it comes to fast days as I don't like plain water or drinks without milk. Quite like fizzy water with lemon or lime slices though. I tend to get a bit dehydrated on fast days because of my aversion to plain water, which is obviously not good!
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