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What to drink on a fast day?
17 Mar 2013, 21:25
So i enjoy white tea and green tea with sweetners.

I also have a can of diet coke every night, cut alot when i used to drink at least 3/4 a day a few years back.

I cannot drink plain water and i do like to have a fizzy drink in the evening, its my end of day treat, i dont have it every day though, if im working late i'll have a juice, or a cuppa when i get home or nothing at all, so yeah.

What can i drink thats either very low in cals? Is a diet coke/pepsi really "diet" and low in calories? Is something like an innocent juice drink better, or just plain apple/orange juice?

I cant drink just water, i find it thick and drinking it in the ast has made me almost sick, i dont know why, so anything to aid that would be awesome!
I'm loving Yogi Choco Tea at the mo, sweet taste without any calories or artificial sweeteners.
yogi choco tea?! Where do you get that?
Stay away from the fruit juice, the tea is goods, diet drinks are very low in calories so are ok. Fizzy water is popular with many forum members. Coffee is ok, if you have it with milk remember to include the calories in your allowance.
Im not a coffee drinker and dont have alot of milk, so im ok with that.

So is my green/white tea calorie counted, or is that free?

For someone who once did calorie counting, im not very good at it! haha i admit to using a mobile app XD
They do it at Holland and Barrett and Amazon as well, worth a try to break up the monotony.
ahhhhh holland and barrett, ok friday which shall be my first fast day i shall go into town and get some!
I like to have fizzy drinks too PinkLady, but instead of diet soda I now buy a good quality cordial - elderflower is a favourite - and have that with fizzy water. If you make it very weak but so you can still taste it, the calories are very low.
Thats a good idea starmaker, never thought of that, guess whose gonna be shopping new stuff on payday/her first fast day on friday? haha
Water with lemon and lime slices. Trying to stay away from fizzy and drink with sweeteners, so this is what I have 99% of the time now. I dont like the taste of plain water so the lemon and lime help alot!
Fizzy water with a lime squeezed in is very nice. I tried blueberry tea but it is a bit sweet for me. The occasional diet coke in the scheme of things won't hurt. The elderflower cordial is very nice too.
Im not a lemon or lime fan, so that option is out for me im afraid
I have a fizzy orange drink in the evening it's 4 calories the rest of the day I drink tea so long as you count the calories 15 cals for a cup of tea with semi skimmed milk and sweeteners also I am not keen on just water it must be our Devon water ha ha but do have sips with my medication I forgot 40 cal options hot chocolate too if I feel the need for something chocolate and sweet
There's all sorts of things you can add to water to make it a bit more interesting - slices of cucumber, a sprig of mint, even a chopped apple and a stick of cinnamon!

I don't normally like fizzy drinks, but I do look forward to a 10 cal can of ginger beer or shandy on a fast day. Just the one, mind.

I have a wide range of herbal teas - there's a lovely licorice and oriental spice one, and I also enjoy a Rooibos Earl Grey.

Options hot chocolates (or similar) are about 40 calories each - I find that half of that is enough for me.

And savoury hot drinks made from Bovril, oxo, marmite, or marigold bouillon will be about 10-15 cals each.
Carol wrote: I have a fizzy orange drink in the evening it's 4 calories the rest of the day I drink tea so long as you count the calories 15 cals for a cup of tea with semi skimmed milk and sweeteners also I am not keen on just water it must be our Devon water ha ha but do have sips with my medication

I blame Devon water too! haha

Then again i cant drink bottled either :confused: haha

fizzy orange drink?

My tea is green/white with sweetners anyway, i dont really enjoy the taste of regular tea anymore, unless its the only thing i can have, aside from all other drinks! haha
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