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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Waist size for men?
23 Mar 2013, 10:37

I did my first fast this week and feel great!
I watched the "eat, fast and live longer" episode yesterday with my fiancee and he is going to start when I do my next fast tomorrow.

Now I started wondering what the rules are for waist size for men.
If it is also half of their height it seems low? Or should I add some centimeters for him?

Thank you

Kind regards
Re: Waist size for men?
23 Mar 2013, 10:43
Hi Sandy,

Welcome to our little band of weight warriors, hope you enjoy being part of this amazing forum. In answer to your question, my understanding of the situation is the -50% waist to hight ratio applies to both sexes, hope this helps and good luck to you both,

Ballerina xx
Re: Waist size for men?
23 Mar 2013, 10:56
The half height guide applies to both sexes. The other important ratio is the waist to hip...a man's waist should not be larger than his hips. For women the ratio should be under 0.8 (women have to have a smaller waist than hips).
Re: Waist size for men?
23 Mar 2013, 11:18
Thank you for the answers! It does make sense that the ratio is the real difference between men and women.
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