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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I keep eating leftovers especially sweet ones. I'm not even hungry and I'm not listening To my body. I'm tired and not walking much those two last weeks.
It's cold and my kids missed school because we've been poorly.
Hope tomorrow after my fast day I Will listen to my my body again. :sleepy:
Hi Pashcaline,

Hey, who on this forum has not done a passable impersonation of a black bin? Me? Guilty as charged! Just accept that this happens, lets face it you are under a lot of stress at the moment, so, be kind to yourself, be even kinder to your children who do not know any better, write off today, go to bed early and start your life again tomorrow. Don't carry today's negativity over to tomorrow, it is a new day and deserves a new you, easier said than done, I know, but you are a strong woman and you can do it!!!!

I really hope you feel stronger in the morning so, good luck, sleep well and gird your lovely slimline loins and go for it,

Ballerina xx
Thank you Ballerina .:-)
Maybe getting nervous a bit in three weeks time will weigh myself. I hope a few pounds will be gone! I feel so much better with 5:2 anyway.
Removed my contraceptive implant a few days ago and period pain came back like when I was a teen but only for a bit.
Children have been lovely. Husband too. Tomorrow is a new day:-)
Hi Pashcaline,

Oh do I remember the pain of having my coil (assume this is what you had ) removed and the stress of sorting out my contraceptive life afterwards, not nice, not easy but things will settle down, honest, trust me I am a woman further along life's road than you, which means older, boo hoo. Sounds like you have a lot of support at home so let them support you til you feel stronger, you will get to where you want to be eventually. Why we women beat ourselves up so much is a mystery but, have a nightcap with your lovely husband and stop worrying.

Ballerina x
I used to do that all the time. Now I say to myself 'I am not a bin I am a person, if it needs to be thrown out put it in the trash not in me'.
Aww. Thank you :-)
About the implant it's the one you get into your biceps. Although it's only a little injection then s litte cut, I got a bit stressed about it. It had To be removed because I kept having false periods so no point having it. Now I give body a rest.
It's Easter hols so we'll try To put leftovers away
Bin or freezer or get a dog (NHS dietitian advice!)...

I had a big fry-up this morning, dogs got basically a bacon sandwich each, can't eat like I used to!
Remember - the bin's waistline will not increase. If you're eating the leftovers so they won't be thrown out (or it doesn't seem worth the effort putting them in the fridge), then you're making a choice let them go to waist rather than waste.
Our leftovers either get recycled into soup or given to the chickens who give us eggs in exchange!
Leftovers? Does not compute! All meals planned, extra frozen and if ever an excess chickens and or dog get them! Took me years to establish this.
I think our upbringing has been drummed into us so much that we shouldn't be wasting food (and we shouldn't) - but we shouldn't be eating it instead though. :confused: Once you feel better, hopefully you'll feel stronger too - try and face it as a new day etc., etc., Wishing you luck - you've got lots of support here from us all :clover:
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