The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hi folks,

I started this diet as soon as I saw the Horizon programme. I had been doing Weight Watchers up until then.
Im currently 12-8 having got down from 16-7 in August last year. Im 6ft tall so my BMI is now approx 24 and my target weight has always been 11-10 to give me a buffer and stay under 12 stone. I still follow weight watchers albeit loosely on my non-fast days.
Initially I started with 1 fast per week but soon that was upped to 2. My fasts are 36 hour fasts (ish) running from bedtime all through the next day and on until the following mornings breakfast.
I have lately introduced a third fast day and have had three fasts per week for the past 4 or so weeks. I allow myself to skip the 3rd fast if there is any reason whatsoever to allow normal life to take precedence.
During my fasts I drink milky coffee and I have a big mug of Miso soup in the evening which I really look forward to.
Once I get down to target weight I plan to shift back to 5:2 again however I feel like I am now in that zone where the last bits of stubborn weightloss need that extra effort.
Like many posters on here, I enjoy the cleansing feeling and find the feeling of hunger to be almost enjoyable as a symptom of all the good Im doing myself.
I am a runner too and have not found any detriment to the running brought about by my dieting.
As to all the other softer effects claimed in the Horizon program relating to brain benefits etc, I really dont know. If I do feel anything it might very well be placebo but I do feel good in myself. I have certainly been healthier lately in terms of immunitary benefits having had virtually no colds or sneezes or splutters over the past months.
Im also a little too much of an enjoyer of the pleasures of life during the weekends and binge on food at times and even on booze on the odd occasion.
In summary, I think I would find 5:2 in tandem with a cheat enabled version of weight watchers and conscience free weekends a very achievable long term stable lifestyle and I think digging deep into 4:3 at the final stages can make 5:2 seem that little bit easier when throttling back into maintenance.

How important is it to have a feeding window ( say 7-8 hours) on Feast days? Or do most on the 5:2 or 4:# eat through the day?
Suneal wrote: How important is it to have a feeding window ( say 7-8 hours) on Feast days? Or do most on the 5:2 or 4:# eat through the day?

Unimportant. Eat when you want to eat. :clover:
Non fast days? I eat whatever, whenever. I do tend to stick to meals rather than loads of snacks, purely because snacks are mostly boredom or procrastination eating, but if Im peckish, I'll eat.
I have been doing 4:3 for over four months. I like the rhythm of it. I tend to eat about 350 to 500 cals on my fast days. I have the occasional bad fast day, but in general I don't find this method difficult. I don't think I would like a fast with 0 cal, certainly not three per week. But everyone is different and you won't know until you try.
I can't believe so many people can eat nothing! I always read on here hunger passes.
Mine never seems to. Once I'm hungry I am all day. Today was my best fast day and its because it didn't suck too bad and I had miso soup and zero noodles! Good for you guys!
For me fast days are training days where I experience time and again that my body is happy even with a quarter of the usual caloric intake which I religiously record on fast days.

I also learn a lot about the caloric value of different foods. So eating less on fast days prepares me for a better caloric management of the feed days.

After all the thinking about food on fast days I am a bit tired of that topic with the consequence that I eat on feed days less than before. They are also my sport days so I am really exhausted in the evenings. All that is possible because there is Saturday, my favourite feed day. On Saturday morning one more 4:3 week is over, and I enjoy the pleasures of the feed day. But even on Saturdays I don't eat more than I should. Sundays are nice because they are feed days, but I had my pleasure the day before so food doesn't really thrill me any more on Sundays.

Zero calories - I can't imagine to deny myself the already reduced freedom of eating on three days per week, I am already thinking too much about Bradley Manning's freedom on fast days.

Only additional health effects of real fast days could convince me to stop eating on fast days.
HI Everyone! I've been trying a kind of variation, two 36 hour fasts AND then a 24 hour from Thursday night to Friday 8pm. Then the feasting begins all weekend long, I loose about a pound a week but at least my weekends are guilt free. I also exercise during the week, but just group classes and some strength training. I reached my goal but went shopping this weekend and moved my goal down at least another 18 pounds. if things get to difficult on a fast day I do the 400 cal or under route, but the point is not to beat yourself up and get on the horse again next fast day.

One concern is the metabolism slowing down thing especially with so many fast days and the mensus for the chicks gets a little wonky. like on the day I eat its there, kind of slows down or stops on the days I don't.

Does this mean my hormones are totally out of wac?
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