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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Re: Alcohol and its impact?
14 Apr 2013, 15:21
Azureblue, I find alcohol causes bloating too. Always assumed it was the diet coke mixer though, rather than the booze itself. But the dehydration usually counters it by the next morning. I must note that since doing 5:2 I have much less bloating. Used to be that by the end of a day I was severely blown up around the tummy to the extent my clothes didn't fit anymore and my weight would vary by about 4/5 pounds from evening to next morning. Now I'm the same size morning and evening. Less junk food has done it for me!

And eeb105, cutting alcohol is definitely something I want to do. But wanting and doing aren't aligning much yet!!
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
14 Apr 2013, 16:19
jm1251 wrote: I'm in Boston and although I now have a child, pub life is still a pretty big center of our social circle (we've even brought our little one to our local to hear some session music--early eve of course). I have no plans on giving this up but I definitely don't drink on my fast days and I count calories for every single pint / glass of wine.



You must live not far from me, and I'm wondering if we go to the same pubs? :razz:
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
14 Apr 2013, 16:22
redhead wrote: Azureblue, I find alcohol causes bloating too. Always assumed it was the diet coke mixer though, rather than the booze itself. But the dehydration usually counters it by the next morning. I must note that since doing 5:2 I have much less bloating. Used to be that by the end of a day I was severely blown up around the tummy to the extent my clothes didn't fit anymore and my weight would vary by about 4/5 pounds from evening to next morning. Now I'm the same size morning and evening. Less junk food has done it for me!

And eeb105, cutting alcohol is definitely something I want to do. But wanting and doing aren't aligning much yet!!

I used to have a drink or two every night, but since doing 5:2, I'm down to about two drinks a week. The beer is way too filling now, and even a glass of wine makes me feel worn out the next day. I go out to pubs often and find myself drinking ice water and lemon on most occasions now.

I fast on Mon and Thur, so those nights were out. Nights before the fast also got cut out too, so there goes Sun and Wed.... what does that leave? I've just sort of lost interest.... :clover:
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
14 Apr 2013, 19:35
Rufus, I like your comment about losing interest. That's how I feel about all the rubbish food I used to eat. It would be great if I could adapt the same way to alcohol. I doubt I'll ever be teetotal, because I do enjoy drinking, but it would be nice to go out for a drink and actually have 'a' drink, rather than 25!
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
14 Apr 2013, 21:05
For me red wine...or red carbs as I call it ;>) has always been the thing that put the weight on. I would drink 2/3 glasses a night and it got me fat! I never eat crisps or any of that processed food, I have trained myself over the years to not like that sort of food, I don't need food with my wine, it's good enough on it's own LOL. In fact I lost 20kg a few years ago and all I basically did was stop drinking and start exercising. On 5:2 I have also cut back, no wine on fast days and I have been doing 3 of those and try not to drink 1 other day. Usually fed up with the world by Wed and have a drink, then Fri/Sat.
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 00:07
I so enjoyed this post... It is so me! After a couple of drinks I lose all discretion as to what I should be eating, and usually end up gorging on crisps or nuts.m so on fasting days I drink no alcohol, and I try not to dring at all during the week now. This is from a woman who regularly drank 3-4 glasses a night. I feel so much better for cutting down.
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 02:13
redhead wrote: Rufus, I like your comment about losing interest. That's how I feel about all the rubbish food I used to eat. It would be great if I could adapt the same way to alcohol. I doubt I'll ever be teetotal, because I do enjoy drinking, but it would be nice to go out for a drink and actually have 'a' drink, rather than 25!

Redhead, try going a week without drinking just as an experiment. I thought I really needed my wine every night, but then I gave it up for a short while and found out the urge sort of went away. Your urge will go away too, but you have to be willing to experiment with letting go. Lots of empty calories in those drinks, and while the alcohol may be a social lubricant, it really isn't all that good for you.
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 08:57
A week without drinking??!!! Wow. Ok, let me know how you get on and I'll maybe give that a shot (pardon the pun!) Would need to be an extremely well planned week for me! GMH and lynnk, good to hear from people who exercise control. I'm getting there. For all the talk about junk food, fat and sugar, I wonder how many of us would have managed weight better with a bit more mindfulness about alcohol.
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 09:52
Hi all, it easy for me because I don't drink alcohol at all, but what I would like to say is that the approach to drinking maybe should be different. Someone said that if you lost weight (and you are doing quite well) then you should keep the way you are doing, but I think we are all in here not only to loose weight but for the new WOE and WOL and this is what should make us eat and therefore drink less or better. I believe that it is not the calories that should worry us, but the health benefits we receive back. Drinking (moreover if a lot) has serious consequences on our body (brain, liver, kidney) and therefore these should be the reasons that drive a drinker towards a life with less alcohool in it. I am pretty sure all here are aware of this, but just wanted to add my 2 cents. Cioa, J
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 10:03
Hi All

What an interesting thread :-)

On whatever diet I have been following I have never given up alcohol (can easily give up chocolate, but not the wine!). Drinking is a part of my life and I don't want to give it up, as I enjoy it, but I don't drink on a "school" night, as I just can't function properly in work if I do, so I limit it to Friday, Saturday, and occasionally Sunday (like yesterday had a few beers whilst watching the football!), but usually try not to have anything on Sunday so I'm fresh for work on Monday.

I also limit it as I struggle to just have one. I get the taste and want more, so I find it easier to have none - if that makes sense.

Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 10:21
I'll sneak into this thread and offer my take.

I have drunk to excess, habitually for decades, and it's not good for me!

5:2 initially was great in that it was a way of eating which "allowed" me to have a couple of nights drinking a week, which I needed/need.

I have cut it down to a night or two a week at the minute and really want to reduce it still further.

I worry about it, it's an issue, and has been for ages, this WOL is helping me to get over it slowly, I don't eat with alcohol, but I can consume allot in an evening (what that recommended units is a week? Always thought it was daily!)

Can't say much more as it makes me fed up.
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 10:40
Oh dear boboff don't get fed up! The main thing I like about this forum is that it keeps me feeling positive because everyone here is so positive, kind and helpful. I suppose talking about alcohol and the difficulties of controlling/ reducing intake can be as tricky as the emotional roller coaster of trying to lose weight and eating too much.

I think we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves. The fact that 5:2 is even making us think about/ talk about/ plan action to cut down on alcohol means we all deserve a huge pat on the back. *Gives everyone a good old pat on the back*

I would recommend checking out Alan Carr's book (not the comedian) on stopping drinking so much. I stopped smoking with his Easy Way book. Although the drinking one didn't make me give up the booze, it does have helpful advice and techniques and my brother quit completely for a month after reading it years ago and has reduced his intake very significantly since. Alan Carr had a knack of making very common sense advice seem like wonderful epiphany and gave it in a very understanding way as he was a very heavy smoker and drinker throughout his life (it killed him in the end, despite giving up as he probably reformed just a bit too late).

So lets focus on positives and not beating ourselves up too much!
Re: Alcohol and its impact?
15 Apr 2013, 12:43
You are nice!

I read Allen Carrs smoking book, and got in a bit of a tizzy with that as well.

I agree though, positive thinking! Thats the way to do it!
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