The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I originally started the 5/2 diet in conjunction with the Hairy Dieters diet in September.

I lost 20 pounds in the period up to Christmas but haven't done either diet since then.

I found that using the recipes from the Hairy Dieters book was an easy way to only have 500 calories a day whilst still eating delicious meals. I spread these calories out by not eating after 7pm on the Monday, then effectively starting my fast on the Tuesday, using my calories by having breakfast, dinner and tea, and then not eating again until Wednesday breakfast.

Luckily I have only regained a couple of pounds since Christmas but I still need to lose some more weight. I have now read 'the fast diet' book and am now questioning if my 3 meals a day is really the best way to fast. I am wondering if my weight loss previously was mostly due to the Hairy Dieters diet.

I obviously don't want to stick to only food from the Hairy Dieters book for the rest of my life, but I would stick to the 5/2 diet.

Sorry to ramble on, but basically I would like to know if other people just doing the 5/2 diet have had good results from eating 3 times a day or I am best to eat once a day instead, given that in effect I am fasting over a 36 hour period really.

I look forward to your views and experiences.
Thank you,
Hi Mary

Welcome to the forum. Yes, it will still work is the short answer.

The longer answer is that the theory suggests you might get better results with cutting down to two or even one meal on the fast day. But it's only a theory. So, really whatever you find easiest is the best way to do it (because you are more likely to keep going than if you are struggling with the fast days). Actually, I find I prefer to have one meal because once I start eating I feel much hungrier!

Experiment maybe?
Thanks Caroline,
I think I will try it this week and see how I go on. Am not sure how will manage going to the staff restaurant with my colleague and just sitting there with a glass of water watching him eat.

mz01fn wrote: Thanks Caroline,
I think I will try it this week and see how I go on. Am not sure how will manage going to the staff restaurant with my colleague and just sitting there with a glass of water watching him eat.

Go for a walk instead ?
I'm afraid it's not that simple,this sounds silly, but if I have a day off work he won't go to the staff restaurant on his own! So he ends up eating nothing....perhaps I shall encourage him to fast with me instead!!!I don't suppose he's my responsibility really...
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