The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Please forgive me if this question has been asked already. If I exercise on fast days, can I eat more than the 500 allowed calories, or do you stick to the 500 calories no matter what? :confused:
hillkay2 wrote: Please forgive me if this question has been asked already. If I exercise on fast days, can I eat more than the 500 allowed calories, or do you stick to the 500 calories no matter what? :confused:

Not sure if this has already been personal opinion is no, don't include more calories. I do exercise a lot and follow the same routine on fasting days. I try to keep my caloric intake below the recommended amounts. So far, so good with loss of abdominal fat that I'm trying to eliminate.
Good luck--if you're like me, you'll find it is easier to fast when the day is filled with workouts/exercise.
No - you stick to 500 cals even if you run a marathon.
Thanks for the info. For some reason the FAQ section was not working for me when I checked last night.
I like to think that exercise is a bonus anyway, so wouldn't look to eat more calories, even if it means I could get away with it if I did.
I trained for a half marathon in march (before starting this) & managed to gain half a stone by eating well as I had "earnt" those extras from my longer runs. I do run on a fast day. Ive only done 4 so far but have run as far as 6 miles without eating breakfast. its just important to stay hydrated. & I have kept within my 500 cal budget. good luck. shelley
Shelly, I haven't done more than a Pilates class on my fasting days. I do want to run more frequently now that the weather is warmer and it is getting darker later. Good to know that you are able to run a good distance on fasting days. I will try it and see how it goes!

amberenchanted wrote: I trained for a half marathon in march (before starting this) & managed to gain half a stone by eating well as I had "earnt" those extras from my longer runs. I do run on a fast day. Ive only done 4 so far but have run as far as 6 miles without eating breakfast. its just important to stay hydrated. & I have kept within my 500 cal budget. good luck. shelley
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