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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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It has been my first 'FEAST' day today (2nd day on diet) and I have had 2000 cals which I feel VERY guilty about but I did walk the dogs for an hour....its hard to get my head round this! This is why I am thinking of doing the 4:3? Will it boost my weight loss?
Probably not.

Have a play with the progress tracker for your demographic. But no, generally, just live in the moment and let it go. If you haven't lost weight in a month, start to look at your calories in on feed days.

There are two schools of thought on this, people who like to calorie count and those who don't so much. Try to be observant, it's more eat what you like, not eat as much as you want but also relax.

Read the FAQ's too so that you know that it may be a slow loss and that a pound here or there is lost in the natural fluctuations.
A number of people actually suggest mixing up your calorie intake during the week eg 2 x fast days of 500/600 calories then swapping your TDEE about a bit so some days are higher intake days than others-so you may've done yourself a favour :victory:
It's true, it works better with fluctuations of intake and calorie levels, based just on my experience.

If it helps, I do 4:3 and lose a pound a week. That's not faster than most other people. Have a look at my chart under my avatar. If I'm average, then that's what sort of rate to expect. You might be faster as your BMI is currently higher, I started at 37.
Very interesting about changing the cals, might just have 1500 tomorrow then! My BMI is high, my friend took pics on a dog walk today and I look like a whale I think that's why I felt so guilty. I feel peckish now but don't dare have anything
I agree about mixing it up rather than going for 4:3 but that's just based on my limited experience. I wanted to give my weight loss a boost by going for 4:3 and I gained 1 lb then the week after stayed the same. The week after that I had one or two days just over my approximate TDEE, three days at about my right TDEE and two fast days and I lost 2 lbs.
Sorry whats TDD and TDEE
It's your recommended calories for the day. There's a calculator or two in the FAQs, it can vary between sites.

Look at it this way, if you're larger, you actually need more calories just to live so try to get it right for the size you are now and then bring it down as you lose weight.

Feeling guilty is a quick way to encourage comfort eating. If you can embrace this WoE, you'll break that emotional connection. Just commit to the fast days and take it easy on the feed days, so that you get that mental break and give it a good go.
Claire23 wrote: Sorry whats TDD and TDEE

Sorry, typo. I meant TDEE both times, it's total daily energy expenditure (or something like that!)
Thanks, I found the TDEE cal and mine is 2392 to maintain weight which I think is rubbish to be honest, if I ate that every day I would put on weight!!! I am going to vary and do 2000 one day and 1500-1700 other days and 500 cals two days a week and see what happens!

I thin because I have always had weight problems and issues with food, its hard to believe I will lose weight eating around 1800-2000 cals 5 days a week.
My biggest drops in weight have been when I've had the occasional splurge with maybe 3000 cals one time. As the others said just have a lower calorie day another time. Although 4:3 should give bigger weight loss on paper, in practice it often doesn't. We don't know why yet.
Claire I'm only 4' 10" and my TDEE varied by something stupid like 600 calories a day depending on which TDEE calculator I used so don't take that 2300 calorie suggestion literally. I put my details into about 6 calculators, discarded the lowest and highest calorie suggestions and took the average of the rest and came to about 1600 calories/day. I tend to eat around that now, maybe with the occasional whopping 2000 calorie day and I keep to under 400 calories on my fast days. I lost 2 lbs last week doing this but I'll be happy with 1 lb/week.
Claire23 wrote: Thanks, I found the TDEE cal and mine is 2392 to maintain weight which I think is rubbish to be honest, if I ate that every day I would put on weight!!! I am going to vary and do 2000 one day and 1500-1700 other days and 500 cals two days a week and see what happens!

I thin because I have always had weight problems and issues with food, its hard to believe I will lose weight eating around 1800-2000 cals 5 days a week.

Have you been calorie counting until now? How has that worked for you?

You've nothing to lose here. Give it a go and follow Jenny's sensible calorie suggestions for working it out. Don't be surprised if you put a bit of weight on first if you have been heavily dieting. It sorts itself out but don't be weighing a lot in the first few weeks, if you're going to be derailed by the numbers on the scale.

A lot of us don't count calories and do lose weight. But we do vary what we eat and I certainly have a virtual gastric band now. Was just in Tesco staring at ice creams but not really wanting them, so came home and had a nice cup of tea instead.
I have been doing slimming world since Jan and lost 1.5 stone, I just feel a little limited in what I can have so I thought I would try this really. I am happy with 1-2 pound loss a week but keen to lose about 8 pounds for my hol in 4.5 weeks so hoping I will manage that with just starting this WOE.

My start weight at SW was 19.4 stone and I am 17.6 on my own scales when I weighed yesterday so I am glad I have done slimming world and I can always go back to it! My target weigh it 12.7-13 stone as I got down to 14 stone for my wedding and felt great and looked very slim in the photos then piled in on in just one year :cry:
I did that, lost 3 st over a year at SW & put 4 back on. Don't be so hard on yourself.

You're doing really well before even starting this.

This is a slow long-term way of eating. Get on board & enjoy the ride...
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