The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I'm just about to start the 5:2 diet tomorrow. I want to fast on a Tuesday and Thursday but having read the book and read many articles, forums etc I'm still totally confused with the fasting timings. Can anyone give a simple explanation of how it should work. I've eaten tonight at 7.15. Do I now start the fast from then? If so, when do I eat the 500 cals and when do I end the fast. Thanks :confused:
Hi, and welcome. You can eat 500 calories tomorrow however you want, although quite a lot of us save it all for our evening meal. You then go back to normal at breakfast the next morning. Simples! Good luck...
I am fasting tomorrow and will go to bed tonight after eating normally today then have 500 cals tomorrow, which will likely be some fruit at lunch and then a healthy dinner. Then I will get up Thurs and eat normally again. It depends what suits u in terms of whether you want to spilt your cals throughout the day or have them all in one meal in the evening. There are people on here that do it differently, I don't think there is any evidence to support either way of eating on a fast day, as long as you stick within you 500 cal allowance
Some people try not to eat after their evening meal on the day before a fast others don't do anything different. As yet we have no evidence that either way is better. Also some of us find we're not that hungry on the day after the fast and tend to eat breakfast late...again no evidence that it helps. Just go with eating under 500 cals tomorrow and as you gain experience you can play around with the finer details if you want to.
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