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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hi I have just started the 5 2 for the second time. I initially tried it in January but due to poor will power in the bad weather I gave up despite having good results during the three weeks I did it. I think I lost 4 pounds the first week, nothing during the second and a pound and a half in week three. This time I am committed to sticking to the plan. I have been a dieter for 20 years now and despite losing the weight time and time again I have always put it all back on. I am a large size 14 & ideally should be a 12 bottom and 10 top. I have about two stone to lose in order to feel healthier and not have sore hips! I have my friends wedding at the end of May so something has to give!!
I have decided this time to try two and a half days fast so I will do all day Monday or Tuesday & Thursday as well ad Fridays until 7 when I will treat myself with homemade pizza and a glass or two of red! To speed the whole process up I am giving 600mg of Raspberry keytones per day a go too. Incidentally I bought mine from my local health food shop and not from an online sales scam where they claim to give you a bottle free and then charge you £70 a month!
I just wondered if anyone else had tried combining 5 2 & the raspberry keytones and what success if any they have had? Thanks in advance, Abu
Hi, I am new to this so pardon my ignorance but what are raspberry keytones?
I was just coming here to ask the same Tilly_Mint

*wanders off to google*
They are a natural raspberry based dietary supplement that claims to speed up weight loss. I was attracted to them as they are 100% natural and I have read good things about them helping to keep your skin tight as you loose weight and promote great skin on your face. Hope this helps Fully, loads on the web about them but many searches throw up these "free sample" scams so beware.
I have raspberry ketones filed under S for Scam, or was it Snake oil.

Although products containing this compound are marketed for weight loss, there is no clinical evidence for this effect in humans

Since the natural abundance of raspberry ketone is very low, it is prepared industrially by a variety of methods from chemical intermediates.
I'd be inclined to treat myself to a few punnets of raspberries instead.
I have seen this advertised but I imagine it to be unwise and dangerous ,can,t imagine how you can produce ketones in a drink, but what do I know
I can't see how eating ketones could help weight loss?! It's the ketones your body makes from your stored fat that results in weightloss due to using fat to make they're free anyway!
I'm taking Acai berries currently. I think that my next order will be raspberry ketones. I hear berries are good and since I canny find actual berries I go for second best.
I have just order raspberry ketones, acai berry and fat metaboliser capsules to take whilst doing the 5:2 ... have they worked for you so far? I have heard good things about them... fingers crossed! somethings gotta give!
One of the nicest things about 5:2 is that you do not need anything else. No fancy shakes, or bars, supplements. And certainly not any raspberry ketones or similar pills. Save your money.
Hi there!

I have been doing the 5:2 for 3 weeks now... To afraid to get on the scales though!!... Just going by how I feel in myself... I have been taking raspberry ketones alongside the diet... Not sure if they are helping or not... But quick question... Does anyone else find they are suffering indigestion on the ketones?... Maybe ketones?... Maybe coincidence?...
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