The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I was wondering, is it possible that I eat e.g. 800 on a fast day, but make sure I burn off 300 kcal?
Hi Jessica Lucy

Welcome to the forum!

I'm afraid that Dr M says no, you can't use your exercise calories to increase your fast day allowance. It's the lack of food entering your body that does all the good things :-)
... but although you can't deduct the calories burned, you can exercise on your fast days, even quite intensively, a/c to Dr M (he draws the line at running a marathon...)
Thanks for getting back to me.

Just wondering, what about when you go on holiday...if you break the fast for 1 or 2 weeks, do you pile on the pounds? Is it ok or devastating to break it?
also, how do you guys fast - do you do afternoon to afternoon?
It's not a disaster to break the diet for a few weeks, though I put on a few pounds over December!

I (like most here I think) fast for 1 calendar day: I have normal dinner (etc...) and then next calendar day I stick below 600 cals, then the next calendar day I have breakfast (a little more than normal, usually). Then I do another day the same but not the next day - I tried two days in a row once and found it too hard!

So it is kind of 33 hour fast, including two nights.

There is talk of a 16:8 fast where you eat for 16 hours and then fast for 8 hours. But that sounds to me a bit like normal life?
Dominic, the 16:8 fast is where you fast for 16 hours and are allowed to eat only during an 8 hour period! Not quite like normal life but not far off!

I did wonder if this method could be adapted to holiday life. Often we get up later on holiday so I thought I could skip breakfast and then be allowed to eat between 1 pm and 9 pm which would allow for reasonable socializing!
I find that if I can exercise on a fast day then I notice more of a weight loss - though I do struggle with headaches on fast days, so it's not always easy to exercise. As for the holiday - well that's what it is! I agree with Dominic - it's no disaster to have a break for a week or two. I put on a few pounds over Christmas but they're off already - so for me a holiday is a holiday. Don't go crazy - but enjoy yourself. You know the weight will come off when you return home and to your normal routine. Good luck!
Re 16:8 - sorry Caroline thanks for explaining that, I see I was being dense. Maybe they should stop calling it 16:8 and call it 8:16? Can we have a little naming consistency in IF diets perleeze? :)

Suchard007, interesting that you find you lose more weight if you exercise on a fast day, it makes sense intuitively to me because apart from the obvious direct calorie burn it may speed up the metabolism for a longer period - have you noticed if exercising on a fast day stops you getting cold later in the day?
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