The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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I'm new to this diet (I haven't started yet will do on Monday) and to dieting in general and to calorie counting. . For example, I decided on Monday, for breakfast I'd have the suggested (from the book) cottage cheese, pear and a fig combination, except when I got to the supermarket I couldn't find fresh figs, only dried ones, so I bought those, but I don't know how much the difference in calories there is between fresh and dried. Would 55g of fresh or dried figs have more or less the same value? I don't want to cheat but of course I want to make sure I have enough fuel to face the morning train!

Many thanks
No, there's a huge difference! Fresh figs are 74 cals per 100g, dried are 249!!
If you have a smart phone I'd recommend an app such as the calorie counter from "my fat secret" or similar which makes calorie counting dead easy.
Thank you, those look useful. I'm also experimenting with an app to record my exercise as well, Enmondo, I may start to get a bit confused about where all my information is going! But I suppose recording is part of the key.
The my fitness pal and my fat secret apps both allow you to track exercise and show you your balance between calories eaten and calories burnt. They also work out your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and what your average calories per day should be for weight loss/gain or maintenance. They have lots and lots of foodstuffs pre calorie counted and recipes etc. All in all really useful.
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