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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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How many hours in a fast day...
31 Jan 2013, 21:28
Caroline, something nagging away at me...

I had a normal feed day yesterday and finished my dinner and cup of tea about 9pm approx...
Then woke up this morning on my fast day and had a roll about 10am then dinner tonight about 7pm? So here's my question as I ate today all be it about 500 calories for my fast day I won't eat anything now until back to normal tomorrow starting with breakfast say 9am then eating all day?

So all I have done is not eat from Wednesday night at 9pm but then ate at 10am then 7pm today so does that only count for 13 hours non eating and is that classed as a fast day as its only 13 hours...

Does anyone agree with this as I don't know what or hw many hours are classed as fasting...

Hi Danny!

Yes, this is an ongoing debate which is a non-debate really because the problem is the use of the word 'fast' when eating is in fact allowed. If you think of a 'fast' day as really being a very low calorie day, then it lasts from when you wake in the morning to when you go to sleep that night. The actual fast consists of the times between your mini meals, so it depends on whether you are spreading your calories out over the day or not as to how long each fast period is.

Does that make any sense?
Yeah that's a good way of looking at it Caroline...

I'm going to try and actually not eat from Dinner to Dinner 7pm to 7pm next day then that's what I call a fast lol...But I can see the confusion from fasting to just cutting down over a 24 hour period.

Thanks Again
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