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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 19:53
I've on my second week and loving the WOE. I'm planning next week and see problems looming as the diary is packed and I can't see a way to fit in more than one fasting day.

This week is easy and I could happily fit in a third fast tomorrow. Would it be ok to do three days this week (M W F) and only one next? (W) Would that mess with the plan too much and affect my weightloss or health?

If it would then I'll go all out to fit with the 5:2 pattern but it will be hard and I can see disappointment with myself looming!
Re: some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 19:57
That would be fine, I'm sure! After all, it's the overall calorie reduction that less to weight loss, so if you cut more one week and less the next the result will be the same!
Re: some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 20:07
I can't see why that would be a problem. I do 3 days every week, it's just a slightly different way of doing it. Go for whatever fits in with your life
Re: some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 20:25
I've done that before, I call it "getting one in the bag" :wink:
Re: some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 20:27
thanks all....better get planning tomorrow then and stop worrying about next week :)
Re: some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 20:27
The great thing about this WOE is that we can swap days around. It should fit round you not the other way around so go for it
-the worst that can happen is that you don't lose weight next week, well ok,the worst is that you put on weight but can't see that happening :smile:
Re: some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 20:31
I am also thinking of doing a third day this week[Saturday] as I know I can't do any next week.I must admit I am waiting to see how I feel on Saturday morning before I decide as I prefer 2 days between fasts.
Re: some advice needed please
13 Jun 2013, 20:34
Merlin wrote: I am waiting to see how I feel on Saturday morning before I decide as I prefer 2 days between fasts.

Ooh me too, one day doesn't feel like a real rest does it
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