The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Here's my take on it:

When we were hunter-gatherers, we never knew when our next meal would appear. We made a kill, we feasted - and then, when the food was all gone, we fasted until we could find more. And it could be a long time before we found any. So our bodies are well used to going without food for long periods.

When we don't eat, our bodies assume there is no food available - famine situation - so it suppresses the (for want of a better term), 'hunger switch'.

When we do eat, our bodies assume there is food available - feast situation - and turns on the hunger switch. So, we eat. Then, a short time later, the body says, "Since this is a feast day, I want more food - to store up fat reserves against the next famine". The result is we feel hungry again - and again and again, every time we eat.

When we sleep at night - or have any period where we don't eat for a while - we reset the switch.

You can check this out the next time you prepare a meal. If you haven't eaten for a while, the hunger switch will be off. As soon as you have a taste, or a nibble, it is switched back on - and you'll want to keep nibbling until you serve up. Especially on a fast day, I only taste what I'm cooking, and adjust the flavouring just before I eat.
I find that if I stick to eggs (2 scrambled with a bit of water, salt and pepper) for breakfast I don't feel the need to keep eating. On my non-fast days I have jumbo oats and those days I want to go back for more.

It might be worth trying a carb-free breakfast.

Good luck
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