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5:2 Diet 'Rules' & Variations

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Hi everyone - Im kind of alive at the moment. Finding it difficult to logon with work and working late. As a result - I've not kept to any fast days really for about a month - a few semi fast days of about 700-800 cals. Anyway I have not hit my goal - prob 6-8lbs off and have not lost anything in a while. Just wondered what everyone is going to do over xmas. My party season starts tomorrow - I have a party Wed, Fri , Sat and Sun. I was considering trying to fast 2 of those days (but around 600 cals if possible) and then 16:8 other days over xmas and no carb on fast days but low carb if possible other days. I'm also going to aim to excercise 45mins to 1hour per day weather permitting.

I'll be driving both Wed and Fri so really hoping to stick to my fast days both of those days. I'm also aiming to do a liquid soup fast thurs so essentially a 4:3 almost
My last fast will be Monday 23rd. However, I will be doing some 16/8 over xmas (including xmas day & boxing) as I will be eating in an 8 hour window which I don't normally do !

Then its back to the grind stone 2nd Jan with a fast :)
Hi Mousey...well done on the low cals days,when you havent all helps!
Good luck with yr plans x you have a heavy social schedule coming up so just do your best.
Soon enough it will be NewYear and we' ll be back on track. Enjoy the festivities and the moment!

I' m hoping to fast Thurs and have low cal / 16:8 days on the other 5 days til crimbo eve. Just do the best i can.
Crimbo Eve / Crimbo Day will be Proper Crimbo..whatever is on offer i will have...
I think tho,like many others here, i may find i'm less able to do justice to the goodies like i normally do...tum seems to have shrunk...can't deal with as much cr** any more! XX
Be a small plate this yr for Xmas day lunch. Last time I ate a big meal at that time of day was Xmas day last year :grin: And that was huge..... But oh so lovely. And first Xmas cooking with @fixedwheel my partner :)

Now eating this way for 6 months I am eating soooo much less, I reckon half portion from my previous life will suffice :). Bonus :)

And I won't eat for the sake of it as it hate feeling full. Second bonus :grin:
Fasting tomorrow and then I'll do what I can until Jan 6th. No idea what yet- I'll just go with the flow really.
I'm fasting Thursday and Saturday, then we're going to stay with my parents fora week from Sunday. I'm going to try and do 16/8 most days, but I'm going to also relax and go with the flow. We'reback the Sunday after and the plan is to pick up fasting after that.
My plan is to fast Mon and Thurs both of the next two weeks; so 5;2 instead of 4:3. We will have plans/feasts/parties on Christmas Eve & Day, New Year's Eve and Day and the Saturday after Christmas. We don't do Boxing Day here and OH is working anyway. I think I will be OK to do the fast after two days of celebrating in the middle of the week for two weeks in a row. (Like I am usually ready for a Monday fast whenever I have overdone it on a weekend.)
I'll be doing 5:2 , as usual, fasting Monday and Thursday and enjoying everything in between. Right now I'm enjoying a glass of wine and some salted almonds. I have no restrictions outside Monday and Thursday.
I'm fasting as normal. Its my non fast days which are a bit out of whack as I have already done three functions so far and I'm massively over TDEE. Another do on Saturday and then it goes quiet until Christmas Day. So for me I will be able to fast today, Friday, Sunday and maybe Tuesday and Thursday if I feel like it, although I prefer to have the big meal on Christmas Eve.

It's minimum 4:3 and ADF if I can manage it to counter the effects of all of these parties.
I haven't fasted this week yet as I have had to take painkillers. Going to try today and Monday before Christmas. We are having a very quiet Christmas so as far as I know we have no plans. Xmas eve and Boxing Day it's just going to be buffet stuff. Christmas Day itself we are having steak with pepper sauce - I'm having mine with veg - hubby and son want chips! (Lol its becoming our own family tradition!). I will fast as and where I can. If not damage limitation will come into play! Happy Christmas everyone x :grin:
I normally fast on Tuesday and Friday. For the next two weeks I shall be fasting on Monday and Friday (can't imagine fasting on New Years Eve eh?).

Other than that I shall be enjoying everything that is on offer, granted my stomach has shrunk somewhat (and that is a good thing).

Looking forward to a week of festivities.
Fasting tomorrow, saturday, the 23rd, the 27th, the 30st and the 2nd.The 24th and 31st dinners will be fairly light and everything will be cooked from scratch
Fasting today and possibly Friday which may be a half fast, then we're off to Aachen to spend Christmas with the OH's mum, and then taking the Thalys to Paris on the 26th :-) We'll be in Paris for a few days and there is no way in hell I'm fasting when macarons, baguettes, proper butter, cheese and croissants are available!!

So no fasting until (probably) January for me. I'm where I want to be in terms of weight and size, so it'll be a bit of damage control in January and then maintenance after that.
Fasting should be pretty easy for me. I have no friends, so no social life. The last couple of weeks I've been really naughty and on Monday I had a little cereal binge (I just HAD to eat some Cheerios!) after I'd eaten my one meal of the day. I'm determined to stick to my fast tomorrow (Thursday) and, at the moment, the plan is to fast Sunday and Monday (huh! back to back fasting...not tried that before!!) so that I can have a week of not worrying. Mmm not sure whether that might prove fatal though.

Its only a week everyone ready?!!

I'm planning to do my usual Monday fast both weeks but will have to change at least next week's Thursday fast to either Wednesday or Friday as I'm going to see The Hobbit in Gold Class with youngest daughter, and that involves yummy food and wine! :grin: One advantage of not having family nearby is not needing to organise or attend 'food fests' during celebrations like Christmas which at our house is pretty relaxed and low-key, just how I like it! :like:
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