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5:2 Diet Recipes

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Is anyone using Slim Pasta or Zero Noodles (both have about 8 calories in 200g)? I will be using these for the second time on a fast day today and think they are great (but expensive) Will addd button mushrooms, 20g low fat goats cheese and a teaspoon of Sacla Sundried Tomato Pesto for a quick sauce .....102 calories in total. Any other uses/recipes?
Never heard of them until you mentioned them, a quick Google took me here. I am a bit dubious about a 'diet food', but ignore me because I know nothing about it. What do they taste like? The FAQ makes it sound like they have an alarming smell out of the packet!
They do have an odd smell but it goes with rinsing and doesn't put me off .... it's the starch apparently (?) Like most noodles and pasts, to be honest, they don't taste of anything much .... they take on the tastes around them so eating them with something with plenty of flavour is a must ... the goats cheese and pesto one above is tasty enoug - and I have eaten them with Philly Light and bacon or sausage bits .... youc ould use quorn and tomatoes ... anything you would really use with pasta to be fair. I have used the "rice" version with chicken and chinese 5 spice. They are apparently 96% water, so nothing there to do any harm and they are very filling. It means today, I have eaten 2 back bacon "rounds" with a scrambled egg, will eat a bowl of (62 calories) homemade oxtail soup for lunch with a couple of crisp breads and for tea the goats cheese and pesto "pasta" dinner .... plus a portion of sugar free jelly and 50g of pickled onions (my addiction) as a snack - and this still leaves 100 calories spare .... using My Fitness Pal anyway!
I'm not familiar with the noodle product, but Googling reveals that they're made from konjac, which comes from the Elephant Yam. Its Latin name is slightly rude, Amorphophallus. :shock:

I'm tempted to give them a go, though. Where did you get them from, EK1973?

Are they the shiritaki konjak noodles?? I have had them in a bowl with miso soup on a fast day.. they do help with the 'filling' aspect and the packet I had said they were only 8 cals for the 100g (I had half the pack of 200g at a time) I agree they are quite expensive.....but, useful for bulk for low calories :)

jb x
I got mine from the Dukan shop when I was following that plan... about £3 a 200g packet... I got 4 packs as they were on offer and helped with the shipping costs...... if you like them, then I think they can be bought cheaper in bulk on
Hope that helps :)

jb x
I tried some of these, quite expensive and I really didn't like them. Was glad they didn't taste how they smelled, but the texture was too chewy for me. Glad some people enjoy them though!
I've seen people mention these on twitter (another good support network) and you can buy them at Holland & Barrets, my local shop didn't have them but you can get them online. I will be trying these but il wait till pay day!
Shiritake/Yam Noodles
19 Feb 2013, 23:50
In case anyone was wondering these are what my version of "zero" cal noodles look like, there about 50 calories for 140g (half the package), which is a lot. I found them at my nearest Asian supermarket for $1.31 CDN. You can find them in the noodle/pasta isle and they're in a container filled with water of some sort.

They make for a mean stir fry, although they take some time getting used to. You can easily prepare a meal for under 200 calories without protein.
Re: Shiritake/Yam Noodles
20 Feb 2013, 07:00
In UK, holland and Barrett are stocking slim noodles and pasta which are supposedly zero cals and getting fairly good reviews, Sue
Re: Shiritake/Yam Noodles
20 Feb 2013, 12:51
Have tried the noodles from Holland and Barrett and to be honest I find it a bit like eating rubber bands! Really wanted to like these but I don't. But do try in case you like them. I will try the pasta and see if that is any better.
Hi guys, as I am fasting today I thought I would have another go at the noodles. I boiled them as it said on packet then sploshed them on top of my soup. They were OK but I reckon they'd be better with say, chilli, pawns etc to make a hot thai salad. Views?
I've found Konnyaku noodles in the tofu bit of my local Chinese supermarket for £1.40. They are a bit stinking when you first open the packet, but just rinse them with cold water. Try not to cook them for very long (about 1 minute) and they don't get quite so chewy.
Zero Noodles
25 Feb 2013, 18:11
[color=#BF8000]Just had dinner on my Monday fast day. I had made a really low calorie Bolognese sauce a couple of days ago. As pasta is high in calories even when a small amount is used, I decided I was going to give the zero noodles a try. These, even after cooking in boiling water for 3 minutes (recommended time by manufacturer), remain slightly al dente. I also made a large leafy salad.[color=#BF00BF][/color][color=#0000FF]I found it to be a perfect solution to a good sized portion with very low calories. As the zero noodles have no flavour whatsoever the flavour was all sauce and salad. I thought it was delicious. My husband however, did not like the noodles. So, the jury is out on them. You're either going to like them or not. They're definitely going to b a regular in my diet henceforth. Happy days.[/color][/color] :P
Re: Zero Noodles
25 Feb 2013, 18:27
What are these Zero noodles you speak of!?? :D
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