I think the spaghetti squash and courgette are the same thing. Iv got some spaghetti squash seeds from last year which i never planted. We had loads of other pumpkins and squash varieties though and not enough space for everything. Will need to grow them this year as the seeds are getting old. Not tried it yet, hoping it's a success, in taste and for growing.
Not tried the zero noodles/rice. Can't get them here. But im looking for a low cal recipe for noodles as i miss eating them. Yesterday i made a chicken and veg stir fry with salad for my fast day meal. Was very tasty. Low cal noodles would of been really good with it.
Not tried the zero noodles/rice. Can't get them here. But im looking for a low cal recipe for noodles as i miss eating them. Yesterday i made a chicken and veg stir fry with salad for my fast day meal. Was very tasty. Low cal noodles would of been really good with it.