The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

21 posts Page 2 of 2
iceskater wrote:
P-JK wrote: By the way: does your forum name reflect one of your sports activities (and possible location in 'the lower countries')?

Hi P-JK, yes it is my main current sport, but I come from a small island off the coast of the Lower Countries!

Good to know, in case you find yourself in the neighborhood of Enschede, do drop by in 'IJsbaan Twente', where I skate twice a week, but also organise the races on the 400 meter track.
My first post, and I know it'll have to be moderated, but I'm no spammer, honest!

Just had to say that this is truly inspirational, OP, so congrats from me.

I guess we're about the same age, and by the look of it, how you looked when you started is how I look now - not pleasing, at least, not to me.

Good luck, but I doubt you need it.
Hi @lanky and welcome to the forum

Are you starting 5:2 yourself? If so you could look like the after photos in a few months!

Do tell us a bit about yourself in the intro forum!
Hi, will post a bit up there, ok. But yes, I will try, but perhaps the ADF not 5:2, if that makes sense.
Lanky wrote: Hi, will post a bit up there, ok. But yes, I will try, but perhaps the ADF not 5:2, if that makes sense.

I don't thing ADF make sense at the start - prove you can do 5:2 first, then start with the hard stuff.

Good Luck!


Super what you have done.
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