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5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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4 months, 12-13 kg lost. Body fat from 21-22 to 14-15 %, waist from 101 to 90 cm.

Before the beginning of my gym training. Just standing there, body relaxed.

Front 130617 to 131006.jpg

Side 130617 to 131006 b.jpg

Back 130617 to 131006.jpg

I guess it might seem a bit silly to post pics like these, but I figure going public makes you accountable. Good for long term motivation.
Hi Michael - you have to look twice to see where the differences are, it's surprising to find you have parted with 13 kilos of padding... Well done, and good luck going forward!
Oh, I have to disagree with Pete...I think you look very different...much better shape around the tum, so that now you have the classic male V shape from shoulders to waist whereas before it was more of a U! The gym work should emphasize it even more I'm guessing. Your collarbones stand out more too and the stomach is a lot flatter.

Well done! I shall look forward to seeing the results of phase 2!
The side profile shows a huge difference in your belly - that's a great place to lose it - lots of women on here (me included) are going to be jealous! I wonder if men lose belly fat more easily and that accounts for it? :frown: If so, how unfair!!
Well done. :like:
Wow! Bum is less round too. ;) :star:
I can see the new you. Bet you are well chuffed with the result. And no it's not silly to post pictures, it's like, "hey you lot, look at what I've done". I was wondering how many gals what have the guts to pose in their undies!
Wow, I want my belly to disappear like yours has but I won't be posting pics in my undies :wink: .
Good work - it is definately a very visible difference. Grymt bra jobbat!
Just had to look up ' Grymt bra jobbat!', and I can only agree.
I'm rather envious of how you have lost so much off your stomach...
Oh my! You are looking much more streamlined and your bum is just peachy!!! ;)

How did you calculate your body fat? I am quite large-framed and pear-shaped. All my residual weight is now only loitering around my hips and thighs. From my waist up I would describe myself as "sinewy" - you can see my ribs, breastbone, shoulder blades and spine poking through.... yet whenever I put my measurements into a website for body fat, I seem to come out high for my height and weight......
I just use my Withings scale, don't know how accurate it is about the actual body fat percentage which might be higher or lower in reality. But the readings correlates really well with what I observe and it responds consistently to how I've been eating and training the day before. If I exercise less and eat more, the number goes up and vice versa.

Still far from a great looking body. But being close to 50 it could be worse. It's strange to me, how men usually have such ugly bodies, or at least not "aestethically pleasing" unless they're seriously fit. Unlike women, who often look surprisingly good even if they're untrained and overweight.

The biggest difference is actually in my face, it's where the fat goes first, and where it disappears the quickest. But I had to choose, show the body or the face.
Well done. I agree. From the side profile there is a big difference.
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