The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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I don't have any before and after pics as such, but I recently came across a picture of myself from around a year ago wearing a red skirt. A skirt that I love but now hangs in my wardrobe as it got too big quite quickly. I decided to try the skirt on and see just how big it was now that I've lost almost 2 stone!

I am totally delighted. It's quite mad to think that not too long ago it did actually fit quite snuggly.

Thinking that I'm almost at my target weight, a mere 4 and half months after starting the 5:2, after struggling with various diets for so long amazes me. Not only the weight loss but the fact that I have lost a total of 37 inches from my body seems almost ludicrous. Anyway, onwards and upwards, only 4.4lbs to goal weight!
At about 11st 2lbs
before.jpg (20.49 KiB) Viewed 3196 times
To date: 9st 4.4lbs
Wow well done :heart:
I know that feeling the baggy clothes that is I've given everything to
charity but still a long way to go for me, not complaining at all :heart:
Thanks for posting :clover: Sue :clover:
Wow! Fantastic! There is ALOT of room in that skirt now! :star: :like: :)
OMG! Jo that is an amazing loss.. 37 inches lost in less than five months
You must feel like youre walking on air ! X

And on top of that,such a great smile too !
Sweet! Nice job...and I love the red skirt. Maybe that's worth tailoring!
Brilliant! Yes, good idea gingertea, get the skirt altered to fit!
Yes why not - then Jo could do a proper 'after' pic!
And well done Jo on a fantastic loss :victory: :clover: :like: :cool:
:star: :star: :star: Great example :) the picture say a thousand words don't they, what a great ways we have hit upon to loose weight, improve our health and be informed all in good company.
Its so flippin fantastic to have your pants fall off!
Thanks so much everyone for the lovely messages. Very good idea to get the skirt tailored it really is one of my favourites. I'll look into finding a good seamstress! :)
Wow! That's most impressive! Well done indeed!
Super! Well done!
WELL DONE, you must be so pleased!! Thanks for sharing with us x
Thanks for the inspiration! Yes, that skirt is too cute, definitely worth taking in.
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