Well done Chris!
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Well done. You look great!

Thanks for sharing your photos Chris - they are great.
I want to put up some before and after shots but don't have one from when I started. I think your method of using an old one when you were at the same size as for your start point is a good approach, I will copy you later in the week when I get to the one year milestone.
I want to put up some before and after shots but don't have one from when I started. I think your method of using an old one when you were at the same size as for your start point is a good approach, I will copy you later in the week when I get to the one year milestone.

Well done Chris and keep that lovely smile smiling. Terrific transformation!!

You look transformed Chris. Well done and thanks for the photos.

Incredible. You look fantastic. Inspirational!

Wow, I'm in need of inspiration and you just did it. You look awesome. Well done.

What a truly fantastic transformation - you look SO happy too, as you should. Really well done

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