The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

45 posts Page 3 of 3
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 08:24
You look fab! Congrats and well done - inspiring for those of us just starting out. Thanks for sharing :-)
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 08:29
I'm doing a dance for you!! You look GREAT (shouting) You are a star :star: :heart: :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 09:41
You look so much taller!
You now have a lovely figure Lilsmiler! X
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 09:43
Amazing difference!
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 10:04
What a lovely transformation Lil & you have fabulous legs. If only I could have a leg transplant :grin:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 10:13
You must be very proud of what you've achieved - well done and thanks for sharing x
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 10:15
You look fantastic Lil those legs look amazing now :victory:

Keep up the good work!
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 12:04
Thank youuuuuu :)
Lil :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 13:15
Wow! You look fab! Nice work @LilSmiler
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 13:19
Looking fabulous! Cracking set of legs there! Congratulations on your achievement! :0)
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 23:41
Thank you so much everyone, I can't believe all the nice compliments, I really wasn't expecting that :)
Lil :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
01 Oct 2013, 01:08
Congratulations! What an achievement!Your pictures are so inspiring! :like:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
01 Oct 2013, 04:05
Thank you :) so nice to be called inspiring :)
Lil :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
01 Oct 2013, 04:16
Very un PC but *big wolf whistle*
What a transformation. Are you sure it's 3 and a bit kilos? wow!
PS Beloved said 'wow' too :)
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
01 Oct 2013, 04:20
janeg wrote: Very un PC but *big wolf whistle*
What a transformation. Are you sure it's 3 and a bit kilos? wow!
PS Beloved said 'wow' too :)

Haha, thank you. It's been 3/4 kilos since I've started 5:2. I was previously monitoring calories daily but getting very fed up with a small amount each day. I love this WOE so much more I'm so glad I started it.
Lil :heart:
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