The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

45 posts Page 2 of 3
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 05:35
Wow! Inspiring. Great legs lilsmiler :victory: :victory:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 05:42
Wow you look great :like:

Mind you, you're one of those irritating people that, even when you were heavy looked really fab!!!
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 05:52
Aww you guys. Thank you :) I annoyingly carry my weight around my middle though so I'm reasonably happy with my bottom half but still hate the old tum tum!
Lil :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 05:58
Impressive! Well done! You look like your BMI is a lot lower than 24,something.
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 05:59
Lil, you look great!!! I hope you are really pleased with the results!!
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 06:11
Thanks Rasa.. hopefully I am using dodgy scales haha ;)
I am Debs although still would LOVE to get another stone off but will settle for 10 and a half :)
Lil :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 06:13
Wow, it's a brand new you. And I would love a pair of knees like yours. !
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 06:14
Wow you look fabulous, well done :)
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 06:16
Haha thanks Carie, that made me LOL, never had anyone say that before :D
Lil :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 06:42
wow! you look fantastic! great legs btw! :like: :star:

I fixed your image links so they'd show up in the post. (click on the image button when writing your post and paste the link between the img codes. you can also upload images...scroll down to below the submit button when writing your post and you'll see the attach file options.
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 06:50
You look sensational. Well done you. I am sending this message, as it is the same one that I hear people say to me :oops:

This 5:2 has got into my head in such a good way. I look forward to fast days especially the one on Monday.

When I next visit Sydney we should have a celebratory burger and a Cab Sav to celebrate :cool:

Well done again, and your Summer awaits!
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 06:54
Thanks Carorees :)
Lil :heart:
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 07:00
Well done LilSmiler. Onwards and downwards. :)
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 07:15
Woooo go girl, looking awesome!!
Re: Heaviest and 'so far'
30 Sep 2013, 07:33 look fab, legs, butt and rack!!!

Looking good girl x
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