The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

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It's the end of 2013 and I never dreamed my year would end so fantastic. Hopefully these pictures come across correctly. And yes, I do like the color purple.
Wow, fantastic, thanks for sharing
:heart: Great transformation@GoLinda well done and thanks for sharing you look fantastic :heart: :heart: :heart:
Well done! You look great - love the purple shirt as well :smile:
Creative use of your top and what a difference you can really see you efforts you are shrinking nicely. It is interesting still wearing tops from your earlier wardrobe and how differently they are now looking on your body.

You are looking fabulous and they are all lovely photos thank you for sharing and inspiring us all
Looking fab @GoLinda! :like: :like:
And you look at least 10 years younger (and the fringe is fab)
:victory: :victory: :victory: :cool: :victory: :victory: :victory:
Are you really the same person? Check out those cheekbones :like: :like: :like:
Wow lookin' fab!!
You look so pretty and slim! Happy New Year!
You look great. Thanks for sharing!
Great photos, what a difference a year can make. These pics should really encourage others with a lot to loose,
Thanks! How inspiring!
Wonderful... you GoLinda!
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