The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

43 posts Page 2 of 3
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 13:39
Well done Wendy you look marvellous & Ballerina you look so, so happy! It's incredible isn't it.
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 18:10
Well done to both of you . You both look great and real motivation for someone like me, who is just going into their 4th fast day tomorrow :smile:
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 19:24
Thank you all so much for the compliments. I don't have anyone in the real world to share my fastiversary celebration with, so it's really wonderful to have my virtual friends come to the party.

And speaking of parties, the lovely @Ballerina can crash my party any day!
@Callyanna, I'm sure you are the first and the last person to ever call me a very hot babe! I'm still laughing. As well as grinning a sort of Cheshire grin to myself. Hope no one asks me what's so funny...

@GoLinda, my daughter noticed my more pronounced collarbones - that's how she figured out I'd lost weight :lol: I never thought I'd lose weight in my arms or my shoulder/neck region. Like I said, I'm a pear, but still somehow lost weight all over.
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 20:56
I thought you looked fantastic but would have loved to have seen your face, not everybody's choice though so I do understand.......but.....what an achievement and you deserve a round of applause. I enjoyed sharing my fastaversary with such a lovely lady, thank you

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 21:14
Ballerina wrote: I thought you looked fantastic but would have loved to have seen your face, not everybody's choice though so I do understand.......but.....what an achievement and you deserve a round of applause. I enjoyed sharing my fastaversary with such a lovely lady, thank you

Ballerina x :heart:

I'm not so much shy as worried about our brave new world. Facial recognition software can identify us in a flash. Maybe that's not a problem, but it does concern me...
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 21:44
Congratulations, Wendy. You and Ballerina look wonderful. :victory: :victory: :cool:
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 22:07
You're looking great, wendyjane and Ballerina!!
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 22:31
Wow well done wendyjane, looking good and good luck with your fitness plan, onward forever :0)
Ballerina will help us all dance to her tune "Things can only get better" :0)
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 23:09
Fabulous! Congratulations! I'll be joining you in less than a month. two fasts a week for a year is 104 fasts! Well done all of us!
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 23:39
It has been so wonderful to read the successful and inspiring stories this morning - congratulations to you all @Sallyo - @wendyjane - @Ballerina

I love the pics and gorgeous photos girls.

I am so pulling my finger out, I want to have a healthier BMI and therefore be a healthier ME!!

Once again, Well done!!

cheers Maggie
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 23:40
......and the dresses girls!
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 23:46
Congratulations to both of you! :) it certainly feels good to fit into those dresses, doesn't it.

Best wishes for your (continued) maintenance. :D
Re: Wendy, one year on
11 Mar 2014, 00:10
@wendyjane I love the photos!!!!! Congratulations on your fastiversary!!! :cake:

@Ballerina! You look amazing, congratulations on maintaining this year :) :cake:
:like: :victory: :victory: :victory: :heart: :like:
Re: Wendy, one year on
11 Mar 2014, 08:45
Good morning ladies and thank you all for the lovely comments about my new festiversary buddy, the lovely AND slim @Wendyjane and myself. :victory: it's so great to be able to let others see just how successful this wol is and to make such lovely friends along the way. Wendy, have a great post anniversary day my friend, you have done so well, truly inspiring :smile:

Ballerina x :heart:
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