The FastDay Forum

5:2 Diet Results: Before & After

43 posts Page 1 of 3
Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 00:18
It's my fastiversary, sort of. For details on why I can't actually say when I started, what I weighed, or even what I looked like, see my post in the fastiversary tent thread.

So to begin, here's what I looked like at the end of April, '13. I had been fasting for about a month and a half, so I had probably already lost about 3 pounds when this was taken.


Then, at some point down the road, I lost my trousers. (thanks for that great evocative forum phrase, @simcoeluv!


My replacement trousers are a size 2 (US), the ones I lost were an 8. I haven't replaced my tops because I'll always be a "pear". But due perhaps to more than one female surgery, i guess I'll also always have that little paunch. :frown:


Well, as I'm proclaiming everywhere (mostly in my signature) now, 2014 is my year to get fit, so here I am ready for a workout... (bit of a lie, I wouldn't work out in a shirt that tight, but I love the message, and the shirt was all of $3).


Lastly, some of you saw this dress on a hangar, and remember when I was wondering if I could actually wear it. It's by far the slinkiest thing I have ever worn.


That's all, folks!
Note to newbies: Hang in there. It's SO worth it. I look forward to seeing your before and afters, whether in two months or two years.
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 00:25
Can see the differenceWJ! Though you're not fat in the first photo,can see how much lighter you've become in the following pics! Tiny,with a nice shape with a little curve to it! Well done ! The stripey top is a lot looser now! X
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 00:27
Wow, that is great!!!! Love the dress!
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 00:27
Woo hoo! Great pics WJ! Esp the last one! :like: :heart: :like:
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 00:53
I've made my tracker and BMI data public for a while, just as more inspiration for the strugglers out there.

Notice that the first weight recorded was at the end of June. That is because I did not weigh myself even once between sometime in January or February and the end of June, when I got brave enough to get on the scale, and discovered I'd lost about 11 pounds.

So if you are one of those people who don't feel you need to weigh daily (or even weekly, perhaps), know that for some of us, it's not necessary to do so. That said, I'm now weighing twice a week - after each fast day - and I've sworn to weigh at least weekly for the rest of my life. I could probably monitor my weight by how my clothes fit, but weighing seems safer.
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 01:28
Yes Wendy keep an eye on it..if you go up a few pounds,get it iff again
So much easier to lose a few pounds than to have to lose several pounds!
Wd be a shame to let the hard work go to waste..i have done that a hundred times ( lost many stones and put them back,over and over ) and vow now never to let it happen again!
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 04:25
WooHoo, my TeamUSA buddy! It's even noticeable in your arms. I'm a month away from my fastiversary as well.

I hope 2014 brings you the fittness of your dreams.
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 04:39
Big congratulations. You look fantastic and are a great inspiration. I love your workout t shirt. Happy fastiversary :)
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 06:02
Wow, you look really good, well done Wendy. As it is exactly 1 year ago today that I reached my target weight I know how you feel. I have never felt better and forgive me for crashing your party, no point in 2 threads with the same topic, so here is me in the South of France last June wearing my little black Italian number that I wore to Le Train Blue in Paris

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 06:09
@wendyjane You look incredible. Such an inspiration! Love the dress. @ballerina, now you are making me 'homesick' with pics of the med. I really miss my place in Mallorca right now.... and of course you look gawjus. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 08:33
@BallerinaLookin good kid! X happy anniversary!
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 09:24
speechless WendyJane about the transformation. Amazing.

Well done
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 09:31
@Ballerina and @wendyjane, you are two very hot babes! You both look absolutely amazing, so svelte and gorgeous! Well done both of you!
:like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 09:38
You both look great. Thank you so much for sharing those photos x
Re: Wendy, one year on
10 Mar 2014, 13:32
Happy anniversary!
Very well done wendyjane & Ballerina & thank you for the inspiring photos! :star: :star: :star: :drink:
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