Two days ago I had to take the ambulance to the emergency ward with extreme pain in my groin area above the left thigh.
I had been working out at the gym at 6 am in the morning, leg exercises. I alternate between running 5-10 km and working out at the gym, upper body or lower body, stomach and back every time.
At around 4 PM I felt a slight pain and stifness in the iliacus area, tried to stretch it, some massage but wasn't too bothered. During the following hour it got worse and I ended up screaming with pain, unable to control myself. My girlfriend at last got home with some prescription free pain killer, ibuprofen based. It had no effect.
At last we called an ambulance, I was pale white, sweating and shivering like I was going into shock, cramping uncontrollably which worsened the pain. From 1-10 I would say the pain was around 8, I could still at least talk and function. Cleary the worst pain I have ever felt.
The ambulance guys gave me 10 mg of morphine, but by then the worst of the pain had subsided after 3 hours.
Anyway, in the end after CT scan and various tests it was concluded I had suffered an internal bleeding in my iliacus muscle, the muscle pushing the leg forward when walking,
An iliacus hematoma, it had also spread up to the psoas major in the abdomen.
The doctors, all of them, including their own "House" seemed quite perplexed. From what I've now read the condition is extremely rare if you're not taking anti coagulatory medicines or suffer from haemophilia. It has been reported as trauma related with young people, but I'm 48 years old. They were surprised to say the least.
After 24 hours at the hospital they sent me home, and said I'd probably be fully recovered in 3-4 weeks. I hope so, even though I can clearly feel neurological symptoms in my quadriceps and walk with a limp. It is getting better, but possibly surgery would have been a better option to get rid of the blood which really has no place to go. It's a controversial area apparently.
I'm just thinking if my diet with low carb and/or 5:2 could have had an influence on my propensity for bleeding? Does fasting affect how much we bleed, or could it be that the low carb thing make you bleed easier?
I had been working out at the gym at 6 am in the morning, leg exercises. I alternate between running 5-10 km and working out at the gym, upper body or lower body, stomach and back every time.
At around 4 PM I felt a slight pain and stifness in the iliacus area, tried to stretch it, some massage but wasn't too bothered. During the following hour it got worse and I ended up screaming with pain, unable to control myself. My girlfriend at last got home with some prescription free pain killer, ibuprofen based. It had no effect.
At last we called an ambulance, I was pale white, sweating and shivering like I was going into shock, cramping uncontrollably which worsened the pain. From 1-10 I would say the pain was around 8, I could still at least talk and function. Cleary the worst pain I have ever felt.
The ambulance guys gave me 10 mg of morphine, but by then the worst of the pain had subsided after 3 hours.
Anyway, in the end after CT scan and various tests it was concluded I had suffered an internal bleeding in my iliacus muscle, the muscle pushing the leg forward when walking,
An iliacus hematoma, it had also spread up to the psoas major in the abdomen.
The doctors, all of them, including their own "House" seemed quite perplexed. From what I've now read the condition is extremely rare if you're not taking anti coagulatory medicines or suffer from haemophilia. It has been reported as trauma related with young people, but I'm 48 years old. They were surprised to say the least.
After 24 hours at the hospital they sent me home, and said I'd probably be fully recovered in 3-4 weeks. I hope so, even though I can clearly feel neurological symptoms in my quadriceps and walk with a limp. It is getting better, but possibly surgery would have been a better option to get rid of the blood which really has no place to go. It's a controversial area apparently.
I'm just thinking if my diet with low carb and/or 5:2 could have had an influence on my propensity for bleeding? Does fasting affect how much we bleed, or could it be that the low carb thing make you bleed easier?