@MaryAnn you don't come across as cynical to me. And it's the emperors new clothes thing isn't it... There is no point pretending this is a miracle cure and that you and others haven't worked really hard to get where you are now, and to stay there. I don't see that as at all negative, I see it as honest. And encouraging - because you still choose fasting, even with its challenges. So do I. Beats calorie counting every day, or buying bigger clothes.
Like you I am also impressed about some others on the forum having a lovely calm approach to it all i.e.that they take it one day at a time, its just part of life and what they do now. I aspire to that.
Like you I am also impressed about some others on the forum having a lovely calm approach to it all i.e.that they take it one day at a time, its just part of life and what they do now. I aspire to that.