The FastDay Forum

Benefits & Side Effects

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Just wondering, especially people that aren't really obese - are you just in this for the weight loss & not overly bothered about the health benefits?
It seemed to me that the main reason for IF is the health benefits, with the weight loss just a bonus if you needed to lose weight. But we all seem to just be generally focused on losing weight, I know that this is because some are outside the healthy weight range, but what about people inside it, or who have lost enough to be inside it - are you still just focused on weight?
I need to lose at least 3 stone (1 gone already) but as a woman with an already elevated cholesterol level and borderline high blood pressure, a father, uncle and grandfather (all paternal side) that all died of heart related conditions around their 50th birthday the other health benefits are just as appealing. Having just turned 40 last year 50 suddenly seems awfully close!

My hubby lost some weight before we started this WOE by cutting the carbs but he is still on this journey with me to maintain the loss and for the other benefits. We both consider this lifestyle will be for life now.
I'm also interested in the health side... i've got 8-10lbs to loose, but i suffer from IBS and bloating and am also concerned about the internal fat - hoping that this goes towards making me a healthier person - as well as that little bit lighter!
Like you say - weight loss is a bonus on this WOE
there's quite a few threads on health issues.

One of the problems is that most of us own a set of scales, or can buy one for under £20, so evaluating weight loss is easy. We don't seem to feel the same way about buying a glucose test meter for £15 with 10 test strips and monitoring how our fasting blood sugar changes - this is seen as "medical" perhaps.
Hi Sophie,
Equally important! I was heading towards an overweight BMI which was making me feel anxious about getting diabetes. With weight loss comes inch loss and the tummy flab is shrinking so I'm winning both ways.
Hi Sophie

High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Heart Disease in family

Overweight and nearly 50.

In it for the health benefits but weight loss is also a health benefit.
Hi Sophie,

I wanted to lose weight, which I have, but I am in it for the, hopefully, long term health benefits which is why I do my maintenance regime. Also, I hope you got my reply to you some time ago, I'm not computerate so I assume you got my answer.

Ballerina x
Hi, I'm hoping to lose a few stubborn pounds as this is a 'diet' i can stick to, however other health beneits equally appealing.

My BMI has been around 26 probably since i was about 18, gosh thats a long time ago !! despite being quite sporty. But as i get older and now have family, the amount of exercise i do is decreasing, so hoping this lifestyle will compensate..

I noticed yesterday that my concentration levels seem higher, and I've not been so tired in the afternoons - 2 weeks in.
Hi Sophie,
Nice to see you back - weight loss and health benefits for obese people, in particular, surely go hand in hand ? I also think that the feel good effect of losing weight even when you are in the normal bmi range brings huge psychological benefits and very often results in people making better food choices and less prone to binges and generally being more relaxed around and about food. That is what I have gleaned from reading a lot of the stories on this forum anyway. I am hoping for health benefits but I don't expect to get any without putting in an all round effort ie. doing my 2 fast days and trying to eat more or less to my TDDE on the other days. One thing I have noticed is that I am eating and enjoying more healthy food and thanks to this forum am much more knowledgeable about my body in general.
I'm in just for the weight loss. If I get some benefits with it, I won't complain but my main issue is to lose weight.
I'm just being nosey really. I tend to forget about the health benefits periodically and focus on the weight so I was wondering what others focused on, it's interesting to see :)
I'm one of the obese ones, but to be honest it wasn't just the weight loss on this WOE that appealed to me (I could have done any other diet for that).

It was the addition of the possible (but as yet unproven) other benefits and the the fact that this could become a way of eating for the rest of my life - something I could not imagine with any other diet I have heard of or tired previously.
I have a little under 2 stone to lose. Having watched the documentary and read the book I was enthused by the possible health benefits of adopting this WOE but more importantly for me was finding something I can continue with even when my weight is no longer an issue. I have yoyo'd for years and that, as we all know, is very very bad for the body and the mind! This seemed like a really sensible way to achieve a better balance and heal my complicated relationship with food.
Hi, Although I am to lose around 5 kg, the main reason why myself and DH are doing it is for the other health benefits. My DH 's uncle retired and 12 months later developed severe Alzheimer's disease. DH is very scared this could happen. I am to continue for the rest of my life. ( I am 58 now)
I started this mostly for the health benefits after watching that programme, but conscious that if I lost some weight too that would be no bad thing.

But as I didn't have a full medical or get full stats before I started the only things I can really measure and against which I can gauge my progress are weight loss and waist loss, so inevitably these become the main focus of my attention.

I understand the frustration often expressed here in various topics that 99% of what is posted here is about weight loss, but the other benefits are uncertain and unmeasurable (or at least for most of us unmeasured), although in the long run they may be very considerable.
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