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Benefits & Side Effects

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Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
21 May 2013, 21:19
To update my original post..... Now on week 5. The obsessing about food has more or less stopped - TG. Sleep is still a bit of a struggle on fast nights but not as bad as last week and I sleep like a log on the other nights to catch up so am putting up with this and hoping this too shall pass!! Overall still very enthusiastic about this WOE and would encourage everyone to stick at it as have lost 6lbs so far and not weighed this week yet so maybe more?! :smile:
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
22 May 2013, 11:09
Dear Mizztraveller, Just put a general post about this, I start fast after early dinner one night and end after late dinner next night, this works for me as never going to bed hungry and do have at least 24 hours of fasting. I also find this a good way to avoid eating differently in front of my 15 year old daughter as would hate her to start getting a complex about the "right" weight for women (my BMI 23 but I want to avoid continuing on middle aged shape change) Hope this helps
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
22 May 2013, 12:04
Thanks for the advice JLmid but unfortunately this won't work for me. If I don't eat within about 45 minutes of getting up in the morning I vomit. Not a pleasant experience at the best of times but on an empty stomach, downright painful! I don't know why this happens but has done for as long as I can remember.
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
22 May 2013, 14:54
How horrible, sounds like I remember morning sickness! Would it help to have a lot of your allowance at breakfast? With my method you would only have to get to the evening provided you eat later than the previous day's evening meal
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