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Hungry & sleep deprived!
13 May 2013, 15:09
On week 5 and finding I am incredibly hungry on non fast days. I'm not giving in to my cravings but food is constantly on my mind and taking over my life :frown:
Also sleep is becoming more difficult on fast nights.
Anyone else experiencing the above and does it get any better? :confused:

Also fed up cos lost zilch this week :curse:

Cheer me up please!! :dazed:
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
13 May 2013, 17:22
Sorry to hear you are having a rough time. May I ask what your TDEE is and how many calories you are consuming on non-fast days? It could be you may need a few more calories and or protein with your non-fast meals. A little information might help us come up with something for you to try. As for not sleeping, how many calories are you consuming on fast days and when are you having them? Don't dispair! The forum is here to help! (sounds bugle) lol :)
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
13 May 2013, 17:38
Sorry that its been so difficult! :(
Most people find that wholegrains (fibre), proteins and veggies keep them fuller much longer, maybe you could try and increase those in your diet?
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
14 May 2013, 08:04
Most fast days I go to the gym and I do stick to 500 cals. Eat virtually no carbs on those days sticking to veg & protein.
On non fast days I just revert to normal eating for me: light breakfast & lunch, rarely snack and have a good dinner with wine. Nothing to eat after 8pm.
Last night slept like a log, but not looking forward to next fast day mainly due to this sleep problem.
Thanks for your interest! :like:
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
14 May 2013, 08:18
I generally have sleep problems though fast nights are no worse than others. My OH though does wake on fast nights - hungry! My suggestions for sleeping better are not original nor specific to fasting:
  • No caffeine after midday
  • Limit the alcohol intake!
  • Mindfulness - I have the book but can't say I have yet made much progress with this, my fault not the book's
  • Taurine - my son has suggested this so I am trying taking a teaspoon before bed, it seems to be cheap and harmless so even if it's only a placebo effect it's worth it.

Regarding hunger on non-fast days, I think this is part of the whole process of adjusting to your new way of eating. It does get better but being able to live with a bit of hunger just goes with the territory IMO.
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
14 May 2013, 08:43
Where do you buy Taurine from?
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
14 May 2013, 09:06
You can find it easily and cheaply through google - or use Moogie's link to get some on Amazon and support the forum! Actually I am just taking a little of my son's - he got it (as powder) to help with body-building but found it just made him sleepy!
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
14 May 2013, 09:24
Dominic Taurine sounds very interesting especially that vegetarians and vegans can be deficient in it. I always guinea pig myself so will try it - tho I have found (after many months of the worst insomnia) that magnesium has stopped my insomnia - that article says to take them together. Anyway I'll give it a go as I could do with a clearer brain on fast days - thanks. Will report back if I find there is a difference.
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
14 May 2013, 15:33
I have had a lot of problems sleeping too, so will try this. I posted a while back about some of my experiences with lots of energy but lack of sleep making me feel a bit manic. Since then, I am using a blackout blind in the bedroom and although it's a bit soon to tell I think it's helping. I also think it may have something to do with my thyroid, but as I have been testing sub clinical for the past three years has it suddenly gone into overdrive and is now hyperactive? I was tested just before I started 5.2 and am not due to be tested again until next year. I have lost over 20 pounds in a short space of time and although I am thrilled and delighted with the weight loss my sleep (or lack of it) is more important to me at the moment. I have started to increase my fast day calories to about 800 - 1000 and split it over 2 meals on my fast days. I know this will slow my weight loss but I can live with that. What I am fearful of is that the weight will pile back on :cry:
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
14 May 2013, 16:18
Thanks GMH re the magnesium I should try that as well.

Sorry dhana about your sleep problems, I sympathise! There are some tips from Dr John Briffa in the Guardian here (including magnesium). Oh and you may know we had a topic about sleep problems here.
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
17 May 2013, 16:37
Have had the same problems. Poor sleepimg on fast nights and very very hungry on the following day especially in the morning. HOWEVER, it is settling down. Slept better last night and no horses were eaten today! Hope it settles for you too soon.
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
20 May 2013, 15:09
I've been finding that my sleep has been really odd since doing this (on and off, sometimes I admit I have messed it up quite a bit on 1 or 2 weeks), in that I fall asleep most nights easy enough but then I wake up all of a sudden after maybe 2-3 hours sleep. I can get back to sleep easily enough most nights (this happens regardless of whether it is a fast day or not) and I don't really wake up hungry, but it's really quite annoying when say, I fall asleep at 12am, wake up at 3:30am and then have to be up at 6am for work that day.
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
20 May 2013, 15:51
Hi Moongazer91! Welcome to the forums!

Disclaimer: I've never been a great sleeper. Not even as a baby! LOL

But yes, I definitely notice that I wake up early and often on the nights after a fast. It's not even really waking up hungry, but it's definitely waking up alert. I usually just let the dog out, get a glass of water and I can often fall back asleep within a half hour or so.
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
21 May 2013, 20:26
I've switched my (3!) alarms off and overslept the day after every fast I've done so far :0 I've had problems sleeping for as long as I can remember but have experienced a marked improvement since starting 5:2. Another bonus for me :)
Re: Hungry & sleep deprived!
21 May 2013, 21:15
If someone can come up with a solution to the hunger and sleep deprivation they'll be my friend forever! I've been on 5-2 for 15 weeks now and it's certainly not getting any easier. I've got to admit, I take antihistimines to get me to sleep on my fast days now because the noise my stomach makes would wake the dead!!
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