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Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 20:34
I don't mean to pry but what made you sad and blue? Is it stress? Did something happen?
If it's stress and it was created by fasting then perhaps you should take a break or increase your fasting calories a bit.
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 20:37
You are being too hard on yourself. I don't see anything wrong with your food choices and if I read the timings correctly, looks like you did a couple of 16/8's. Relax and watch a really tear-jerking movie and hopefully that will help you sort it all out. *hugs* :)
Re: Depressed and dizzy
31 May 2013, 09:12
Thank you for all your encouragement! that's why i love this forum!!
Yes, i probably do put undue pressure on myself, but then i do with all aspects of my life - bad habit of mine!

I had a really good workout at the gym last night and a great night's sleep, feel much more positive today.
Going to plod through the next week, doing what i can here and there, probably 1 or 2 fasts but might try the 16/8 (which i think i've sort of been doing some days anyway!)

next Sat it's 2 weeks of sun sun sun!!!

When i get back, i'll be relaxed and focused - back to it!!!

Have a lovely weekend folks! its sunny now and supposed to stay all weekend :)
Re: Depressed and dizzy
31 May 2013, 09:16
TML13 wrote: I don't mean to pry but what made you sad and blue? Is it stress? Did something happen?
If it's stress and it was created by fasting then perhaps you should take a break or increase your fasting calories a bit.

Hi TML - to be honest i've always had "blue" moments, they can last a day or anything up to a week, no reason or warnings! :confused:
I'm generally a happy person, but i guess i "crash" now and again

It helps when you have kind words and somewhere to pour your heart out - Hubby is VERY good, some men just would not be able to cope with their wife crying for absolutely no reason, but he's used to me now :wink: and sometimes just wisks me out for dinner when i'm low, and always has lots of hugs for me :heart:
Re: Depressed and dizzy
31 May 2013, 11:24
Could it be hormonal? Try to keep a diary with your blues, your period, your ovulation and see if they are related. Then, talk to your OBGYN or even your GP. If some of your hormones are partying, they might need some sort of... calibration. ;-)
Re: Depressed and dizzy
31 May 2013, 11:36
Thanks, but i don't have those sort of problems!

I'm good, just something gotta learn to cope with!! ;)
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