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Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 13:55
So, it's all been going soooo well

6 weeks in, 7lbs lost....what could go wrong i hear you ask :?:

Tuesday's fast did not go well, i was REALLY hungry when i got home from work and hubby had to pop out, meaning dinner would not be will about 8pm - i crumbled.......made a sandwich with BAD things in (slice of edam and some salami in a warburton sandwich thin) then had my dinner of left over Maccauli Cheese and felt full and naughty!

(just to explain macaroni and caluiflower in together! :razz: )

yesterday was not too bad, i had a yogurt for breakfast and some fruit for lunch and fish with salad for dinner :smile:
Down side - i had a REALLY blue day and at one point could not stop crying (not great when your at work!) :cry:

So today i was feeling a little brighter and was going for a fast, no breakfast but once again crumbled and had a tuna salad roll and some parsnip crisps at lunch - dinner tonight is going to be a homemade tart with mushrooms, sundried toms and mozerella with salad.
I am going to the gym from work, so will have the opportunity to burn some of those calories and it should boost my mood - hopefully :starving:

Sorry for the long post, but i just feel as though it's all slipping away from me!!! :confused:

I go on hols week sat - so that will be two weeks off 5:2, but i'm sure that i will try to still eat healthy, although there will be wine!!! :wink:

maybe i should just plod on and refocus when i get back.....HELP, advice and encouragement needed from my good forum buddies, please! :smile:
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 14:07
I need to PLAN for a successful fast day. I know the day before exactly what I'm going to eat, and make sure the shopping for it is done. That way, there's no surprises, no giving in to naughty bits and then no guilt from straying.

If hubby is going to be late and not get home until 8pm on a fast day, I will just eat dinner when I need to eat dinner. He'll understand, because he's trying to be supportive. So perhaps you could frame it that way?

I'm keeping lots of salad stuff in the house, with a lower calorie vinaigrette (I found a nice one at Trade Joe's that is 40 calories for a tablespoon, and I often add another tablespoon of lemon flavored white balsamic vinegar, which is only 5 calories per tablespoon) and a low fat feta which is only 40 calories per ounce. I can have a nice, fulfilling salad for 100 calories that will keep me going, even if it's just greens, cucumber, dressing and cheese. It's kind of shocking how many greens and cukes you can have for 15 calories ;-)

About the depression, perhaps you should talk to your GP? Honestly, if it isn't a medical condition, then why do the SSRI's work? I hope you feel better soon.
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 14:46
Perhaps you are trying too many fasts together, try having a few normal days before you try again.
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 14:58
It's all about the planning. Plan your whole week's food if needed!!

But it sounds like you need a week off. Plan a week off fasting, just eat healthy and you won't feel guilty!!
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 15:00
Thanks Katastrofee!

I do plan - all meals every week (it's a bit of an obession of mine!)

You might be right, a break could be in order, i think i'll plod on next week (maybe jus 2 fasts rather than the 3 that i have been trying to do) and have a healthy eating break whilst i'm on hol!
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 15:08
Hi Lulabella

First of all, I'm so sorry you're feeling so down and tearful, and I hope you have lots of support and shoulders to cry on. I also hope it passes but if it doesn't, get yourself to the GP. Depression is a horrible illness (I know - I'm three years in to this bout :cry: ) and the sooner you tackle it, the better. (Sorry if that's a massively incorrect assumption and you don't have depression at all!)

Second, I know from your blog that you eat really well and healthily nearly all the time, so please, please don't feel 'guilty' for eating when you're hungry/dizzy/down. The foods you say you've eaten that you're feeling bad about actually sound pretty damn virtuous so please don't beat yourself up about that. And if you have a fast day that turns into a feast day, don't worry about it - give yourself a day to recover then try again. You haven't cheated/failed/given up - you've just decided to do your fast on a different day, that's all.

Good luck to you! :-)
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 15:37
Hi Lulabella I agree with what has been already said give yourself a break you are doing really well I just checked out your progress chart wow you have lost a lot off your waist I wish mine would budge a bit more ha ha and when you do fast next time have you tried saving your calories for one evening meal and skip breakfast and lunch,I find this the easiest way to do it,but everyone is different , good luck and have a great holiday
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 15:41
Thanks carol, yes i normally do just eat in the evenings - i could not cope eating through the day! ;)
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 16:15
Lulabella, have you thought about doing a day or 2 of 16/8? It seems to be how some here are coping with life getting in the way of their fasting plans. It might not make you lose, but it might help you at least maintain and you wouldn't have the added nag of having gained to make things worse.

Just a thought.
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 16:19
Hi, sorry your feeling down. I can't help but think your putting too much pressure on yourself. Think of this as a lifetime thing, be a bit kinder to yourself and start to enjoy a healthier diet without guilt. Good luck x
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 17:55
lulabella wrote: So, it's all been going soooo well

6 weeks in, 7lbs lost....what could go wrong i hear you ask :?:

Tuesday's fast did not go well, i was REALLY hungry when i got home from work and hubby had to pop out, meaning dinner would not be will about 8pm - i crumbled.......made a sandwich with BAD things in (slice of edam and some salami in a warburton sandwich thin) then had my dinner of left over Maccauli Cheese and felt full and naughty!

(just to explain macaroni and caluiflower in together! :razz: )

yesterday was not too bad, i had a yogurt for breakfast and some fruit for lunch and fish with salad for dinner :smile:
Down side - i had a REALLY blue day and at one point could not stop crying (not great when your at work!) :cry:

So today i was feeling a little brighter and was going for a fast, no breakfast but once again crumbled and had a tuna salad roll and some parsnip crisps at lunch - dinner tonight is going to be a homemade tart with mushrooms, sundried toms and mozerella with salad.
I am going to the gym from work, so will have the opportunity to burn some of those calories and it should boost my mood - hopefully :starving:

Sorry for the long post, but i just feel as though it's all slipping away from me!!! :confused:

I go on hols week sat - so that will be two weeks off 5:2, but i'm sure that i will try to still eat healthy, although there will be wine!!! :wink:

maybe i should just plod on and refocus when i get back.....HELP, advice and encouragement needed from my good forum buddies, please! :smile:

I am new to all this but it seems to me that you are being too tough on yourself. To me it seems that you are maybe not eating enough on your feast days. The best of luck with everything, it is awful when we feel so low. :like:
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 20:04
You definitely need to ease up and relax. Have a few weeks off 5:2 or 4:3 and either just eat healthily or maybe even do 16/8 which sounds a lot kinder than 4:3. You don't have much weight to lose, you are already over half way to your target. I agree with all the other comments on this thread that the weather is terrible, it isn't easy to fast when it is cold and wet and the lead up to a holiday can be stressful. Just remember that this WOE is so easy to do that having a little time off occasionally won't hurt. Enjoy your holiday and stop worrying xx
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 20:11
You have done SO well so far, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You have a healthy BMI so just go with the flow you will get there.

Could I ask what 16/8 is?!
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 20:16
Come in Ballerina :lol: (Claire, Ballerina is the Oracle as far as 16/8 goes ... :grin: )
Re: Depressed and dizzy
30 May 2013, 20:22
Lullabella - agree with everybody here - you have done really well in such a short time, and you could afford to give yourself a bit of time off, no worries, then pick up again when you are feeling in the right frame of mind. From what I can pick up here, it's harder to lose when you only have a small amount to lose, and a healthy BMI, as you have, so in actual fact, you have done EXTREMELY WELL :victory: :victory: :victory: :heart:
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